what is the vatican hiding

WebThe Vaticans Holocaust. It has been assessed to contain 53 miles (85 kilometers) of shelving, with 35,000 volumes in the selective catalog alone. Letters from both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis (both written in 1863, neither man Catholic) in efforts to have Pope Pius IX come down in favor of the Union or the Confederacy. Apparently, soon after it was created, it was dismantled. Being the smallest country in the worldonly 110 acres in area and with only about 1,000 official residentsmeans Vatican City is at the center of a number of mathematical anomalies. How many more secrets is the Vatican hiding, and why? Three young shepherd children supposedly saw numerous visions from the Virgin Mary. The papal bull from Pope Leo X excommunicating Martin Luther. The Vatican Library Hid Original Hebrew Gospel Manuscripts for CenturiesByJames Scott Trimm The Vatican Library is a treasure trove of ancient documents and artifacts. As to Pius XII's deal with the Devil, oh, Mussolini; Pius probably thought that well if the Jews get persecuted theyll just do what theyve always done: move somewhere else better. The Pope did not intervene, and she was beheaded on February 8, 1587. Her story is filled with drama, intrigue, and tragedy, and her influence on the course of English history is undeniable. Whatever the reason, the Vatican Refugee Commission unquestionably knowingly provided Nazi fugitives with false identities. This freed Luther to start a church of his own, and the schism has defined much of world history since. The most famous of the Vatican-Mafia scandals, however, is the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, an Italian bank in which the Vatican was the main shareholder and which it used to launder money for the Mafia. Of course the frequent consumption of sacramental wine at Communion does affect those numbers (but should it, since it's technically blood at that point? The name itself is evocative of mystery, and many theories have naturally arisen about what might be held among the 53 miles of shelves and 12 centuries' worth of documents only available to a select few. Even Pope Francis himself said people "must not hesitate" to see an exorcist in the case of "genuine spiritual disturbances.". It documents the Catholic Churchs excommunication of Martin Luther, the German who inflamed Europe by turning his back on Catholicism and writing his 95 Theses, now seen as the document that sparked Protestantism. Gabriel Amorth was a Catholic priest and the chief exorcist of the Vatican. Or do you really want to tell us what the Vatican is hiding ? While the public Vatican library was officially created in 1475, the library itself actually dates back to the origins of the Roman Catholic Church. I heard but don't know but that some of the scrolls from Library of Alexandria ended up in Vatican. WebFollow us on instagram! We strive for accuracy and fairness. Bunch of IRL Friar Tucks, these boys. Amorth claimed that Satan himself was hiding somewhere within the Vatican. For those "in the know" the Vatican has always been pagan, whatever that means. ETs are already here. The reason must be important, because the room the books are in is guarded. Updated: March 18, 2021 | Original: December 6, 2017. In the first secret, the children allegedly saw the fires of hell, filled with hideous demons and the suffering souls of the damned. Theres even a school for clergy who study history. Shaquille O'Neal attends the Big 12 basketball tournament championship game between the Texas Longhorns and Kansas Jayhawks on March 11, 2023 at T-Mobile Center in Kansas City, Missouri. The program also claims that skulls with elongated heads and small faces, resembling aliens, were found in 1998 under the Vatican Library, but that access to the site has been denied. No one knows if they are really the bones of St. Peter, scholars and skeptics, are, well, skeptical. The archives wereand still aredesigned to house the Holy Sees official paperwork along with correspondence and other information related to the Pope. FRANCE: Massive Protests against Macrons assault on pensions March 25, 2023. In the second vision, they saw that World War One would end soon, but the Second World War would start almost immediately afterwards if the pope didnt consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But documents at the Vaticans Secret Archives are only released once theyre at least 75 years oldand the archives true owner is not the Church, but the Pope. Instead, these monks used these funds to purchase cars, televisions, stereos, and other luxury items a bunch of dudes who had taken a vow of poverty probably shouldn't have. He had supposedly spoken to the Devil himself at one point within his career, although the circumstances of this encounter is unknown. The Vatican Bank, formally known as the Institutum pro Operibus Religionis ("Institute for the Works of Religion") or IOR, is a financial body riddled with scandal. In the Catholic justice system, some offenses are considered especially heinous. We have not been allowed to see them for some reason. Pretty much every single major christian artifact has been rumored to be stored somewhere within the Vaticans Secret Archive. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Mansa Musa, the ruler of the Mali Empire in the 14th century, is believed to be the wealthiest person in history, with a net worth of $400 billion in today's dollars. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. The Croatian Catholic Church and the Vatican were directly involved in helping the fascist regime in Croatia carry out a triple genocide against Serbs, Jews and Romas from 1941 to 1945 in every possible way. The archives indexes are not publicand are only accessible to scholars once they are 75 years oldand they are housed in a fortress-like part of the Vatican. Archivum Secretum The truth behind the secret archives stems from a mistranslation of Latin. On October 25th this year, the Vatican released a document that had remained in its secret archives for seven hundred years. The Secret Archives also hold an extremely secretive document: the minutes of the trials against the Knights Templar. Even today, conspiracy theories abound over its contentslike wacky speculation that the Vatican ishiding extraterrestrial beings inside. However, if they do have proof of Jesus existence, then who knows why they would keep such information under-wraps. The Vatican has always hidden the truth people wouldn't believe the dogma otherwise. What ever actions done to hurt or helpJews orNazis the Pope just turned a Blind Eye. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Archaeological excavations in southern Italy have yielded a treasure trove of Greek artifacts from the ancient city of Paestum. Beltane is an ancient Gaelic festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the renewal of life. UFO research confirms that infrared light allows us to see objects typically invisible to a naked eye. Even the official Vatican tourism page admitsthe huge crowds of tourists make the Vatican an easy target for pickpockets, purse-snatchers, and shoplifters, and the crowds and corners can make sex crimes easier. "15 Historic Wonders Housed in the Vatican's Secret Archives. " WebThe Vatican Secret Archives is home to the largest collection of Catholic books, documents, and doctrine in the world. Housed in one of the most iconic bastions of religion and culture ever, theVaticans Secret Archives are the stuff of historical legendbut their existence is absolutely real. Still, according to some, the only real, functional copy is held by the Vatican as a way to protect humanity from unimaginable carnage if the book fell into the wrong hands. The papal bull from Pope Leo X excommunicating Martin Luther. Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life Rumors suggest that the Vatican holds proof of the existence of extraterrestrial life, in the form of extraterrestrial skulls. It's kind of a big deal. As it turns out, every diocesehas secret archives, too, and many have helped corroborate the Churchs participation in the abuse. Whereas the original Vatileaks showed Benedict as overwhelmed and unable to control the cyclone of corruption around him, the second set of documents focus on Francis as a bold reformer trying to clean house within the Vatican bureaucracy. [12], Aliens are almost always the go-to cover-up for many conspiracy theorists, and the Vatican is no exception. The Vaticans Personal Archive sparks much less intrigue, and for good reason. They also contain some of the Catholic Churchs most impressive treasuresdocuments that date back from the eighth century. The Vatican's financial advisor Bernardino Nogara, the founder of the Vatican Bank, is said to have potentially been one of the Third Reich's spies in the Vatican, andthough the destruction of war-time records make the full scope of his plan unclearhe and the Nazis are alleged to have instituted a scheme wherein the Vatican invested in Italian insurance companies which kept all the assets from life insurance plans of murdered European Jews. Even today, conspiracy theories abound over its contentslike wacky speculation that the Vatican is hiding extraterrestrial beings inside. The Catholic Church has certainly let itself be corrupted & poisoned by the Secular World. The Vatican is the central point for the worlds largest denomination of Christianity, Catholicism. During an event commemorating the 80th anniversary of Pius XIIs election to the papacy, Francis said he had given orders for the archive to be opened in March 2020. The Church is not afraid of history, he told the group. WebAnswer (1 of 34): Look at UTube on Iron Mountain security. It was not until 1881 that Pope Leo XIII allowed researchers to view some of the archives contents. They have not been seen by the public since. The pope, acting through this tribunal and its head, known as the Major Penitentiary, then subsequently either grants absolution to the person seeking mercy or lets the automatic excommunication that comes with such grievous sins stand. Credit: The Vatican, According to Pope Francis, the Vatican Archives are no longer secret, instead theyre apostolic. In 2019 he decided to change the centuries-old title of the Archivum Secretum Vaticanum , the Vatican Secret Archives , to the Vatican Apostolic Archives because, Vatican News reports, in Latin both secretum (which means separate, private) and apostolicum (that is, belonging to the domnus apostolicus , who is only the pope) refer to the same reality, even juridical.. According to some theorists, the specific details of his bloodline are hidden away in the Vatican Archives. She has been a regular contributor to History.com since 2017. At the same time the correct answer for the above question would probably be - never. The Guardian. The program also claims that skulls with elongated heads and small faces, resembling aliens, were found in 1998 under the Vatican Library, but that access to the site has been denied. WebThe Vatican Secret Archives is home to the largest collection of Catholic books, documents, and doctrine in the world. Erin Blakemore is a journalist from Boulder, Colorado. ( public domain ). The archives treasures are the stuff of legendbut their existence is absolutely real. Shaquille O'Neal attends the Big 12 basketball tournament championship game between the Texas Longhorns and Kansas Jayhawks on March 11, 2023 at T-Mobile Center in Kansas City, Missouri. By the time they were done, they had killed one million people. READ MORE: Why the Knights Templar Gave False Confessions of Depravity. It was written in the 16th century by Honorius of Thebes, who claimed to be possessed by the devil himself. This book revealed an inside look at the inner workings of the Vatican not normally afforded to the public, includingas The Huffington Post explainsevidence of widespread corruption and revelations the Holy See is home to rampant jealousy and backstabbing. And, for as long as it remains this way, we wont know for sure. For in truth, it is not evidence of aliens that the Vatican is hiding from the public eye but rather documents that may show the Church was complicit in Mussolinis state-sponsored terror and, possibly, even in Hitlers anti-Semitic pogroms. And then there is the role the Vatican played in helping Nazi and Fascist war criminals escape to countries like Argentina. Secretum in Latin does not mean secret as some may suppose. Beneath Vatican City, excavations of a Roman era necropolis have revealed fascinating details about Roman burial rituals and funerary practices from the first through to the early fourth centuries AD Vatican City, known officially as the Vatican City State, is the smallest and one of the most remarkable countries in the world. Palestrina: Missa Gabriel Archangelus March 25, 2023. The tribunal hears cases regarding sins so grievous, only the pope can grant absolution for them. WebAbout Vatican Revealing Gods Name: a secret hidden for Centuries by the Vatican Vatican Revealing Gods Name A secret hidden for Centuries by the Vatican In 2017 Pope Francis felt that the Vatican needed to create a connection with the public and he realized the need for deeper transparency. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. The bank was created during World War II to avoid the restrictions placed on financial transactions by the Allies, and as a result the Vatican Bank, being exempt from such restrictions, became the "world's best offshore bank." The fact that the cathedral is located in France is irrelevant. Last letter from Mary Queen of Scots to Pope Sixtus V in an exhibition of documents from the Vatican Secret Archives, 2012.  The document of excommunication of Martin Luther in an exhibition of the Vatican Secret Archives. Aside from literally committing acts of outright genocide several centuries ago against the Cathars, to sexually abusing children in more modern times, it is certainly one of the most corrupt organizations in history. Today, we take a look at what this Vatican insider said about the Vatican and whats hiding within it. Looking through the regular historical record weve already seen the Dirty-Little secrets of the Vatican from the persecution of the Templar order to the current & devastating child abuse at the hands ofCatholic Clerics. In fact, Father Gabriele Amorth, the former chief exorcist of the Vatican who died only in 2016, claimed to have performed a staggering 130,000 exorcisms in his time. The reason must be important, because the room the books are in is guarded. In the video the Vatican has hypothetically speaking amassed a lot of evidence that would bring them down. 2. They are only allowed to request three per day. The Pope made his decision based on the need to meet modern sensibilities, which often associate the word secretum with ideas of mysteries and hidden artifacts locked away in vaults. One of these is the Vatican has the highest crime rate of any country in the world, as the BBC reports. Ancient Origins - How Old Are The Thousands Of Bones Discovered Beneath Vatican? The Vatican has consistently refused to comment on these events and the majority of the relevant documents have (as of 2019) still not been released from the Secret Archives. These catalogs are quite imposing considering that the archives contain 50 miles [80km] of shelvingand documents dating back to the eighth century (Keyser, 2015). WebThe Vatican Secret Archives is home to the largest collection of Catholic books, documents, and doctrine in the world. David Kertzer, a historian from Brown University, was able to examine documents from the reign of Pope Pius XII (1922 - 1939). What they don't want the general public to find out is that the bedrock of all major religions was a way more intelligent aliens could slowly guide the social development of the human race by manipulating the population. In the book, it has instructions on how to make magic talismans and amulets, how to make magic spells, and even how to summon demons. UFO research confirms that infrared light allows us to see objects typically invisible to a naked eye. However, the 17th century was firmly of the mentality that common people should not be privy to words exchanged by kings and popes. If there is proof that Jesus didnt exist, its no wonder the Vatican would keep it hidden. Ancient Origins - Vatican Astronomers Join Search for Extra-Terrestrials, Ancient Origins - No Girls Allowed? A letter from Pope Clement XII to the Seventh Dalai Lama requesting protection for Franciscan missionaries in Tibet. The truth behind the secret archives stems from a mistranslation of Latin. [7], Described by Father Franois Brune in his 2002 book Le Nouveau Mystre du Vatican, the chronovisor is a device that is rumored to have been created and owned by the Vatican. So, it should come as no surprise that the Vatican has been rumored to have all sorts of Artifacts with religious value. Likewise, Amorth claims Benedict XVI slammed the devil out of two guys in 2009, and some suspect Pope Francis may have performed a public exorcism on a man in a wheelchair in 2013. How many more secrets is the Vatican hiding, and why? Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. He was born in Modena, Italy, in nineteen As Gerald Posner explains in an opinion piece in the Washington Post, efforts to get the Vatican to involve themselves in restitution efforts or even to open their war-era archives have been roundly rebuffed since at least the Clinton administration. Secret is in fact mistranslated. However, most alarmingly, it even offers instructions as to how to summon the devil himself and make a deal with him. A second round of leaksknown, naturally, as Vatileaks 2hit in 2015, again with a book by Nuzzi at the center of it, but as The New Yorker asserts, the sequel didn't have quite the same spicy excitement of round one. Killed one million people them for some reason with 35,000 volumes in the.! The Seventh Dalai Lama requesting protection for Franciscan missionaries in Tibet the world away in world! War criminals escape to countries like Argentina its no wonder the Vatican archives are no longer Secret, theyre. 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