explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients

* Confidentiality The various rooms can be prepared for patients, telephone answering service messages can be recorded, and equipment checks can be made. Case records are as important to the patient as they are to the practice. Appointment book sheets If discounts (eg, for cash) are not deducted from an item's value, they must be listed as income. A policy is a basic statement, principle, or predetermined guideline covering a limited area on which the practice operates and serves to achieve its objectives. Other common causes include over-optimistic purchasing or poor inventory turnover. Follow-up Calls Caller: How much does the doctor charge? APPOINTMENT REMINDERS Thus, control is necessary to maintain the quality effects of services and positive patient relations, and to safeguard the financial stability of your practice. Personal Calls When your assistant opens the mail and notices that a letter refers to an enclosure that is not enclosed, she should make a notation to that effect on the letter before you receive it. While the 15-minute line appointment book has been common in the past, many offices today find this division highly impractical and prefer 5-minute or 10-minute intervals or space for additions. Otherwise, it displays that the input is invalid. Because each state has a multiple of regulations, it is important to consult with both your attorney and accountant prior to making any major decision. It is the place of battle against time. * Make patients feel confortable, * Identify facility Using policies and procedures together gives employees a well-rounded view of their workplace. The patient can then be escorted to the consultation room. Heavy or specialized cleaning such as carpet cleaning, floor maintenance, window cleaning, furniture waxing, and wall and woodwork scrubbing are usually best performed by a commercial cleaning service. Record flow is determined by your office policy. This implies that assistants should be familiar with all office policies, instruments, equipment, and clinical procedures used in the practice. One important function of an assistant is to telephone patients for periodic spinal examinations or for appointments that have been long standing. Policy impacts issues as fundamental as healthcare access, cost, delivery methods, and privacy. Insurance data (eg, company name and account number) are necessary for billing and/or reporting purposes. It must be adequate in amount and liquid in nature to meet fixed costs, variable disbursements, and contingencies. This is the first direct human contact the new patient has with your practice. Our Physicians are available after hours 24 hours per day/365 days per year by . the following two functions: Write a test program that reads three sides for a triangle and computes the area if the There are many regulations that governments require organizations to follow. Letters With an Assistant's Signature. Office staff should be trained to keep personal calls most brief during office hours. An objective analysis should be made of your practice objectives, financial position, management capability, supervisory expertise, and personnel practices. What is said and the way it is said is representative of you and your practice. Where should your practice be at this time? If room depth is a problem but wall space is not, cabinets can also be obtained in which folders can be stored sideways. If this should occur, the issuing company should be notified immediately by telephone to avoid financial responsibility for unauthorized charges made against your account. The assistant totals the slip, determines how fees will be paid, and enters the completed visit slip into the patient's records. * Repeat to verify Roentgenographic procedures the family has been without insurance due to a loss of jobs, and it is unclear when johnny was last seen by a medical provider. She must also mark out all those days when it is known that you will not be in the office for such reasons as seminars, vacations, and other predictable absences. In addition, policies should address patient . Decisions are made according to problem priority that may be disjointed with overall objectives. explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients? When using such a system to complete incomplete schedules, a patient's cooperativeness should be noted in the records. When destroying material (eg, shredding) that was once considered of value, each item should be listed on a sheet and someone should be with you to witness the destruction. You can suggest two things. No matter how your corporation operates or the particular problem is haunting you todaywhen management asks, How do we assure this doesnt happen again? part of the answer inevitably involved better policies and procedures. Open spots in the appointment book are costly nonproductive periods. You now have a problem if your assistant hands the phone to you. If three or four units are used each month, determine the price break on a dozen units. * compose on computer X-Ray Films. If laboratory work is necessary, the assistant makes necessary arrangements and offers the patient appropriate instructions. While persistence in holding firm to your objectives is an asset in accomplishment, achievement strategies must frequently be amended to meet the unexpected. Credit cards are a convenience to many doctors. If it is absent or does not match, the envelope's corner imprint can be cut from the envelope and taped to the letter. Medical office policies usually address late arrivals or no-shows to appointments, including the standards for dismissing a patient from the practice. Either the letter can be copied and a copy placed in each pertinent file or the letter can be filed with the records of the first patient mentioned and a cross-reference sheet (Fig. People are curious and can easily be frightened by what they read and misunderstand. This is impossible without good assistance, adequate records, and efficient management systems. Similar information may be filed under a "Supplies" tab, which may be subdivided into "Office Supplies" and "Clinical Supplies" sections. Patient Progress and Inquiry Calls Many doctors and/or their assistants designate specific days and hours solely for meeting with sales representatives and solicitors. Excuse slips (Fig. If the patient still refuses the suggestion for an appointment, your assistant should let him know that she will give you the message and that you may want to call him. 10. A pleasant, well-modulated voice indicates freedom from strain and tension. Obviously, the approach in a chiropractic office to either a new or continuing patient is important to the success of the practice. Accounts payable procedures 3. Yet, this is what happens in offices that are not run efficiently --an example of poor management resulting in poor human relations. Office policy differs widely whether clinical correspondence should be filed with the patient's records or if the correspondence should be filed in a separate folder under the name of the individual, institution, or company, in alphabetical order. It is more difficult in newly established practices, if not impossible, to maintain a completely full schedule for the simple reason that patient volume has not been developed to that point yet. Verify that the traditional tax shelter with a progressive tax acts as a This may involve a multicounty route or unpredictable service calls to remote areas from community headquarters. Efficient time management requires that definite plans be based on your objectives and standards. She should realize that it's important not to interrupt the professional rapport or procedure between doctor and patient unless it's most vital. Public Relations Referrals. Microfilm or microfiche is often the answer when storage becomes a problem and your office obtains a projector. You are in the best position to appreciate your practice's overall objectives; however, rational flexibility is a must because you are not directly involved in the detailed implementation of every item within your office's procedural manual. It is an error if your assistant feels she is too busy to respond to all calls, thinking that the service has already told the caller when office hours begin and that the patient will call back. Without a clear overview, the solution to today's problems may be the cause of tomorrow's problems. They also like to hear several "Thank you's." Advocate on behalf of patients Domain 2: Affective (Behavior) 1. Surprisingly to some, the most frequent complaints from patients do not concern fees or health services. Newsletters impressed with the seriousness and importance of the appointment, there is greater desire on the part of the patient to see that there are few appointment irregularities. In both physical appearance and mental attitude, be sure that your office has a reception room and not a waiting room. If a patient enters the receiving area while your receptionist is on the telephone, the patient should at least be recognized with a friendly nod. Financial arrangement form Having clear, well-documented office policies and procedures is essential to running a successful practice. These memos should be brief but include the necessary facts of who, what, when, where, and why. anatomy Chapter 20 Radiology and nuclear medi, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Utility companies Your assistant should give a reasonable explanation as to why the appointment must be changed. statements. When the assistant is ready to arrange the next day's case records with this system, the folders are already gathered and only need sequencing according to the time of appointment. These patients can be called and asked if they would mind coming Monday rather than the previously scheduled Tuesday or Wednesday, for example. Increasing obligations can risk your practice's reputation and credit standing, leading the way to bankruptcy. There are two basic classifications of records: administrative records and clinical records. * Person calling For quick reference, sectional data are filed alphabetically according to subject and listed within a general index in the back of the book. The word "convention" should be avoided as it has a negative connotation to many people. Record processing and maintenance Procedural routines guard against forgetfulness, and most routines can be delegated to well-trained assistants. If patient volume is below that forecasted, the cause can usually be attributed to unrealistic expectations, impersonal care, inattention to patient total needs, inadequate public relations, failure to incorporate efficient services, or poor training of assistants. Each procedure should briefly describe its purpose, support materials needed, technique (by steps) required by the assistant, and safety measures when applicable. An emergency housecall, bad weather, a special professional meeting, and other unforeseen situations may necessitate several appointments or even the entire day's appointment be changed. Opening, salutation, body, complimentary closing, reference initials, and signature the provider will be seeing patients in the afternoon, and the re are a couple of same-day appointments available on your schedule. In due respect for the assistant that does not have the doctor's full support, some patients will bully a timid assistant. Tickler filing procedures 6. if new patient, obtain demographics and insurance info. Reminder calendars, available in various sizes, serve the same function as a tickler file. Check to make sure that all patients have left the facility; straighten up the exam rooms so that they are ready for patients the next day; and lock the file cabinets that contain patient records. Thus, prompt and proper filing is of great importance. Such situations, however, should be rare for any one patient. Aside from patient record files, additional card files that remind you and your assistants of important dates and matters to be taken up at a later date reduce burdening memories with sundry details. T or F. Efficiency Patients may be embarrassed by coming into contact with each other several times after clinical procedures have begun. * Print on stationary The importance of allowing the correct amount of time for each patient and their needs cannot be overemphasized. Let's say you perform a service that is not covered by the patient's insurance. ATTITUDES Patients unable to be reached earlier may possibly be contacted late in the day. This acknowledges that you recognize that the patient's time is valuable. THE APPROACH Your scheduling assistant will frequently have to respond to some unusual requests that will test her efficiency and tact. Caller: I would like to speak with Dr. Smith. In addition to the priority time for patient care, time should be allotted for necessary paperwork, planning, problem solving, research, study, emergency situations, community relations, and relaxation. Dated entries should also be made for any telephone report made or advice given. Whether or not the patient will receive the total service scheduled will depend on the type of service specified and how tight the appointment schedule is. If patients choose to ignore your advice, they assume responsibility for the progression of their complaints and any complications that may arise from lack of proper care. The main barriers to good planning are myopic conceptions, fear, lack of flexibility, lack of time, and lack of knowledge. A continuing patient or new patient to your practice who enters the office without an appointment and requests immediate service also requires tact. Excessive stock means an unnecessarily high inventory investment. Frustrating! Every call is different in some way and important to somebody. NOTE: Because the cost of computers and software have continued to decline since the 90's when the above was written, and because of the convenience of combining billing, faxing, e-mail, and word processing all in once convenient location, computers are the most efficient tool for man office procedures. Is there good balance between gross earnings and net income? These records should be kept separate from clinical records because auditors legally accessing accounting records have no right to confidential clinical information. Following are the benefits of documentation for the workplace. Doctor's home phone Patients tend to view professional offices with a critical eye. Such visits are usually for a specific purpose and can be handled quickly without greatly disturbing the day's schedule. They make appointments with the expectation of receiving limited service or extraordinary results, pay a fee, and come back "when they've a mind to." * Phone appointments Professional journals and newsletters, or technical, political, or highly religious material have no place in a health-care reception area that serves the general public. If there is one main file that is set up by name and occasionally there is material that should be filed by subject or if you have a subject file and have material that should be filed by name, such occasional literature can be combined within one main file. It is the chief way patients communicate with the provider. Obviously, if the practice does not show interest and concern for the patient's welfare, the patient will lose interest and concern for your services. When new patients to the practice are greeted for the first time, they should be shown where coats can be hung. This results in a reduced profit margin. Patients not in severe pain do not resent a patient in distress being taken ahead of them, for they realize that everyone can be in the same situation some time and should receive immediate attention. With experience, an assistant may be able to develop a first draft of such letters without detailed instructions; eg, after a few words or guidance or from brief marginal notes on the incoming letter. Tickler Files * Call ahead, * Paper There is another type of patient that may erroneously appear at first to be the type just discussed. (Why not? For follow-up visits where a new record is not necessary and the appointment has been made for several weeks, records can be pulled once each week when reminder notices are sent. A doctor should never be required to do an unlicensed procedure in the office that an assistant can do as well or better. A list of such calls offers you an opportunity for a quick review (Fig. PPO-you do not need to select a primary care physician Advanced Planning. A signed formal release is necessary before such confidential information can be discussed. Deductively, you can start with long-range objectives and divide them into intermediate and short-term goals. It also helps to speak at a slower rate. Memos given to patients are often best made in duplicate so that a dated copy can be placed in the patient's file. Such a procedure helps to avoid "holes" within the appointment schedule because of forgotten appointments. Explain general office policies 5. Film storage requires a clean dry area where extremes of temperature are unlikely. In another instance, a patient requiring frequent care may call to postpone an appointment for several days. Unworthy patients are considered by many doctors for elimination from the practice. When certified or registered mail is sent requesting a return receipt, the returned receipt should be attached to the office copy of the mailing in your file. A caller should never receive an indecipherable response like "DrJohnson'soffice; MissAndrewsspeaking. It may also be a call from an attorney or insurance examiner. Thus, it's helpful when recording a patient's appointment that the assistant include the patient's telephone number. An assistant should then prepare a folder for the entering patient, insert the data obtained plus anticipated forms to be filled out later, then prepare an office visit slip and attach it to the folder. Routine Calls In most offices, it is the responsibility of an assistant to sort the mail, slit the envelopes, remove and open the contents flat, attach the contents with a paperclip, stamp letters with a dater, and stack the mail in an orderly fashion. a format for establishing a time schedule for appointments Modified wave scheduling patients in the last 30 minutes at 10-20 minute intervals obliterated to blot out; leave no trace; destroy open hours No scheduled appointments, patients sign upon arrival and are seen by the provider in that order. * Programs track access If the patient is a woman, the number and ages of her children, if any, should be recorded. As there is always a degree of uncertainty when a change is made from established procedures, limit changes to those areas that distinctly warrant improvement. If your assistant has an urgent question, message, or special caller on the phone, there are a number of methods that can be used to communicate this to you such as a chime, a light system, or a polite knock on the door. If a patient still refuses to accept a tactfully suggested appointment, your assistant should make a notation on the patient's chart of your recommendation and the patient's refusal. The most common areas of concern are a low patient volume, decreasing working capital, reducing profit margin, and rising debt level. (4) bank balance drops below forecasts, and This may be difficult in the newly established practice where every patient is important to the practice's economic stability. A continuing patient not in distress or a new patient with a chronic condition will not usually mind if an appointment cannot be arranged for a few days. Thank you notes. ContractsProfessional Papers Filing within this folder should be made alphabetically rather than by date. Laboratory procedures and profiles These are also tasks that are usually delegated to an assistant. The only safeguard is to constantly remember that the patient is more important than the procedure. Disinfectant and sterilization procedures If office systems are well-planned, emergency treatment can be administered to unscheduled patients without greatly disrupting the schedule. Note: The assistant should avoid direct answers to specific questions regarding office fees or professional practices. Was the patient greeted with a warm and professional approach? What components are included in a business letter? Confidentiality, things you cannot be denied, what you can and cant do A file should also be established for each association and organization to which you belong. Approved programs are usually listed periodically in the state chiropractic association's communications. The exposure factors and other basic data involved are usually kept in a separate log (Fig. APPOINTMENT PLANNING Attachments. 6. address Is there good balance between gross earnings and net income? Efficient purchasing, comparative shopping, good storage procedures, and alert inventory control offer distinct savings to any office. It also reflects the accessibility of policies, as mentioned by the Justice Departments guidance: employees need to be able to get their hands on a copy (written, electronic, whatever), and it has to be in a language they understand. When your assistant pulls records for patients with appointments, they should be placed on the desk in the sequence that the patients are to be seen. It's not convenient for me to come in tomorrow. Each film should contain an identifying name or number, the patient's age and sex, the date of exposure, an indicator showing the direction of exposure, and something to designate the patient's right or left. If the appointment was scheduled for the patient's welfare, no inquiry would indicate a lack of interest on your part. It is also more practical for the practice that serves more than four patients an hour on follow-up visits. * Only when necessary After you dismiss the patient, the patient presents the visit slip at the dismissal desk. PATIENT CONTROL AND HUMAN RELATIONS (1) Loose papers take less space than those which have bulky fasteners, clips, or staples. Regardless, mention of the enclosure should be made as a postscript notation in the letter itself. Clinical instruments should be disinfected after each use. Such a reference removes guesswork and helps greatly in orienting new employees. A patient may respond, "Glad you called. What do you want your practice to be in the future? INVENTORY LISTS Registered letters Nutritional supplements Most sterile materials have a shelf life of only 3--4 months. There is a distinct difference between an office policy and an office procedure. This requires that your plan incorporate frequent control checks ("red flags") on patient volume, referral rate, cash-flow, working capital, net profits, collections, debt limit, etc. The patient should be made to realize that only first-aid service has been rendered and a more comprehensive service is available when the patient is ready. Responsibility should be delegated slowly and only after efficiency has been demonstrated. Office policies differ widely in replying to or developing correspondence. Thus, some offices have found it efficient to set aside an appropriate time or times during each working day for patients to call back or for the physician to return patients' calls. Examining and therapy tables, sinks, and toilets require frequent disinfecting. This information will help the office to prepare for the patient prior to arrival. elizabeth jones, age 76, is an established patient in your family practice office. Marital status and number and ages of children offer the doctor an initial overview of the patient's family environment. High sense of good conduct and hygiene. When working capital deteriorates, the cause can usually be traced to accumulating operational losses, poor collections, excessive payroll expenses, or unusual disbursements (eg, unexpected legal expenses, repair costs). Definite office policies and carefully planned procedures are the prerequisites for running a smooth and efficient practice. When a caller must be placed on hold while your assistant gathers some information, the assistant should always request permission to do so and state approximately how long it will take. DELEGATION CONSIDERATIONS On the surface, it may appear that anyone can look at the appointment book, see an opening, and fill in a name for the time reservation. A good assistant will take a deep breath, remain calm, be courteous, and won't panic or take out frustrations on the invisible innocent party on the line. There are multi-button telephones, hands-free telephones, cordless telephones, remote speaker telephones, automatic dialers, repeat dialers for busy numbers, telephones with privacy buttons, mobile callers and radio pagers. Patients who fail to show up for their appointments can be handled in the same manner as that used for patients who habitually cancel appointments without due notice or justification. Reducing profit margin, and efficient practice good planning are myopic conceptions, fear, lack interest... Call from an attorney or insurance examiner 's communications not, cabinets can also be a call from attorney... 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