cardboard palm vs coontie

When I mentioned it to the property owner he told me that I could take it otherwise he would just throw it away. It is so wide because it has made babies. Coonties are very expensive and difficult to find down here. Heres how one woman learned to find joy again, Help the grieving process and keep beautiful memories alive with these thoughtful tributes, Houseplants add so much to our homes and can thrive when grown in the right conditions. Select a discolored, dead, dry or broken leaf on the coontie palm plant and grasp it in one hand. Vomiting (may be bloody), dark stools, headache, stomach pain, jaundice, increased thirst, bloody diarrhea, bruising, liver failure, death. The plant it 20 years old. The gorgeous, deep-green king sago palms (Cycas revoluta) - pictured below - were extremely Plant type: shrub. Light requirement: Strong, filtered light, but no direct sun. Be careful not to overwater, as it increases the risk of root rot. I will have to go out now and buy some more :). For example, I have several that have 4 or 5 fronds that are the baby fronds, not the mature looking fronds. Where there were many, now there are few. This message was edited Dec 17, 2005 12:06 AM, Thanks, guys, for thinking it was other than a cardboard. Capping an old aquarium over plants also works for a mini-greenhouse/bell jar. I hope yours recovers. So maybe my coonties aren't really dead, they just dropped all of their leaves. Because sago palms disappeared from landscapes, the scale problem has become more controllable. As with many plants, the amount of watering will vary depending on the time of year. Sagos are now available for sale again, and reputable nurseries will They can both be treated with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Being a cycad, the Coontie Palm is a gymnosperm which means that it produces cones instead of flowers and fruits. You might see the plant dry up and then maybe water it extra to bring it back. Growing Zone: USA: 8 to 11; UK Hardiness H1 - Under glass / outdoors in containers in the summer. Zamia coontie, or just coontie, is a native Floridian that produces long, palm-like leaves and no flowers. This should be interesting reading for any native Florida person. The popular sago palm enhances outdoor landscapes in warmer areas of the U.S. and serves as indoor decor across the country. Its feather-like foliage grows out in a symmetrical ring. To start though, an old plant in a habitat that allows them to get old can be as old as 300 years. The botanical name refers to the rusty-brown central cone. Will see how it goes. Do coonties have a short life span? Temperature preference: Warm, tropical 65F90F. Dehydration sets in rapidly soon after ingestion. among the most eye-catching landscape plants in South Florida. Like the sago, the coontie ( Zamia floridana) is a cycada group of palmlike plants that have been around so long that triceratops and stegasauruses ate them! Thanks Nancy, for making my holiday wish come true with a surprise package of cardboard palms, including one nice mature big guy that looks right at home in the prominent spot that I gave it in my garden! Zamia pumila is native to the West Indies, Florida and Cuba, where its natural drought and salt tolerances enable it to thrive. Since I've retired & live on a lake in Volusia county I've taken the time to cultivate the native plants. King sago palms can grow to 10 feet, but most seen in Florida landscapes today are generally less than 6 feet tall and wide. Sooty mold and mealy bugs can also attack this plant. You would want to fertilize it with a decent fertilizer early March and you should get a good flush within the month. edule are extremely beautiful - and sadly underused in home landscapes. I have been growing Coonties for roughly 16 years. Male cones are cylindrical and often clustered. Ebooks that help you grow, design and enjoy your landscape! These plants will grow very fast. Be sure to follow the manufacturers directions carefully to avoid over-fertilizing. This living fossil hails from the Zamiaceae family. Comparing Coontie and Sago Palm No, a Coontie (or Cardboard Palm) is not the same as a Sago Palm. mere 5 or 10 million yearschanges apparently took place when the It is sometimes called Coontie Palm or Coontie Fern based on its tropical appearance. Despite the common name of cardboard palm, the plant is a cycad. Prepare a planting pot for the coontie seeds. ZZ plant is often used as a pseudo-bonsai. This low growing species, Zamia furfuracea, is actually a close relative of ancient cycads which have survived since the. A cardboard palm can grow 5 feet tall and wide, though it takes many years. Coontie palm is propagated from seeds. Glad these Coonties are worth popping in the ground. You may have already discovered this website, but in case not, Plantsman56 is a world-renown expert on cycads and has written some fantastic articles, including coontie seed germination, on his website, The Cycad Jungle. At least that's my experience with both of the 2 plants. Origin: Native to eastern Africa, Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania. Each 20 to 59 inch leaf holds 6 to 12 stiff blue-green fuzzy leaflet pairs measuring roughly 3 to 8 inches long and 1 to 2 inches wide. landscape beds. Root rot may occur if plants are grown in poorly aerated, compacted soil with excessive water for an extended period of time. So give it some room. Surprisingly, it can actually thrive in soil with any pH level but 5.6 to 7.3 is ideal. If a small stemmed cycad, like a small coontie, can do something that looks like imploding. Appear on separate male and female plants. Cardboard Palm has 3 to 4 foot leaves that emerge from a central point forming a rosette. 14 June 2018 Sago palms, also known as cycads, cardboard palms, fern palms and coontie plants, . Happy coontie growing and butterfly nursing! order. I've been in Florida since 1981 & have always loved the beautiful lush Coontie plants but never knew the name of the plant or had much of a green thumb. Here are my seed cone for my cardboard palm. Posso rifiutare i cookie non necessari cliccando su "Imposta le preferenze". Any ideas out there would be much appreciated! Art, Yippee, Art! Trifolium hybridum & pratense, Cycas revoluta/Macrozamia spp./Zamia pumila & furfuracea, Ranunculus spp. Want to learn more about South Florida planting, watering, fertilizing and dealing with weeds and pests? Apply low-dose liquid fertilizer according to manufacturer instructions twice per year. If it is a cardboard palm you have, I would love to have some of the seeds if you have any to share! Madagascar Palm. It works well as a transition plant near larger specimens. 17 Effective Plants to Keep Cats Away + Deterrent Methods, When is it Too Late To Use Weed And Feed? of the Year by the Florida Nursery Growers & Landscape Association (FNGLA). If your plant have rotted,lets just say you got a hold of one of these types. Take samples to your local UF/IFAS Extension office for diagnosis and to receive treatment recommendations. The queen sago can get leaf tip burn from cold but Oh well, after all that's why I planted it, for the butterflies which were almost extinct. Cardboard palms grow best in full sun, meaning at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days. I'm posting here in hopes that a native plan expert will know the answer. These plants rarely need any kind of trimming - other than to remove a dead leaf stem occasionally. To remove the sticky covering, clean them and spread them on the ground. The order consists of three extant (not extinct) familiesCycadaceae, Stangeriaceae, and Zamiaceaewhich contain 10-11 genera and about 310 species. The plants are now growing quite happily in my back yard under the edge of a large oak. Cardboard cycad is very low-maintenance when given the right amount of bright light and room to grow. The hardest palms for the Tampa Bay area include; Bismarck, Chinese Fan, Cardboard, Coontie, Paurotis, European Fan, Lady, Needle, Pindo, Pygmy Date, Queen, Ribbon Fan, Sabal Minor, Sago, Saw Palmetto, Sylvester, Washingtonia and Windmill. Keep these tips in mind, Are keepsakes cluttering your space and your life? Art, You have D-mail, Art. The fronds of cardboard plant can grow to 3 feet long with up to twelve pairs of stiff, leathery, dark green leaflets. The leaves grow out of a thick, fleshy trunk that serves as a reservoir in times of drought. It was actually attacked by a rabbit most likely and lost 1/3 of its foliage, but recovered, but then later it started browning slowly, then faster, then fearing it may not like our strong sun (it was planted in part sun part shade, watered normally) I moved it into a pot and brought it in a more shade but still with some filtered sun. It has never been moved and is fairly huge. Your cycad is indeed a coontie. I wanted to find a moment also to take a pix of my coontie babies so that you could see what you are getting in advance. Jacksonville, Florida, where I and BotanyGuy are located, is Zone 8b/9a borderline. A slightly acidic pH of 6.0 is perfect for this plant. Looking forward to a good Coontie crop. Have you taken any samples of your specimens to your nearby county extension Master Gardeners or nursery? You shouldn't have any trouble growing them in Mississippi. Leaves glabrous; petiole and rachis without prickles; leaflets 0.2-1.8 cm wide; peduncle much shorter than the seed cone. Cycad plants do fine The plant known as cardboard palm is neither cardboard nor palm. Mealybugs are tiny white pests that feed on the sap of plants. . NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to Coontie Palm (zamia floridana) and Cardboard Palm (zamia furfuracea) These bushier plants aren't as easy to spot, but they're just as toxic. Gycas ReVolUta. Art, Ok folksLooking to swap my Cardboard palm seedlings for Coontie seedlings. When I looked at it I thought that I didn't have a cardboard palm because my leaves are wider and a darker green. The tips of the leaves are prickly on some varieties, Potted palms will need to be transplanted to a new pot when the plant begins looking crowded, or the soil has been exhausted. The Cardboard Palm Tree, scientific name Zamia furfuracea, is a shrubby looking plant that is usually used indoors as a houseplant or outdoors underneath large palm trees. Instead, it's what is botanically known as a cycad. I would imagine many of you inspected it and found no caterpillars? Some cycads stay low to the ground all their lives. Florida native, Cardboard palm gets it's name from its tough, hard leaves. Thin leaflet types hold up better in the sun, but then even these thin leaflet types are in two categories, the ones that seem to be fairly robust and think and the ones that I mentioned before that many times go deciduous.A possibility that is probably unlikely, but if a cycad is not totally healthy in the first place and it produces a lot of seeds, this can kill the plant. But I have no other ideas. Really like the looks of this and the Cardboard Palm plant. It contains cycasin that interferes with the nervous and digestive systems. Cardboard plants are slow growing, but can reach up to 6 feet in diameter. And how to sow? ZZs naturally glossy leaves are so shiny that the plant appears to have been polished. While when grown outside, they are often used as borders, in container gardens, as foundation plants, or as a ground cover to give gardens a tropical appearance. Thank you. start to form. but are actually two unique types of plants. In both cases the tap root had rotted away. Fairly quickly they began to die back. Just 2 seeds can make your pet sick and 4 seeds can already be deadly. Tapioca pearls are made from the root of the cassava plant ( Manihot esculenta ). goes - for over 200 million years, at a time when dinosaurs trampled or Overwatering is more harmful to this plant than underwatering so be careful not to go overboard. Zamia pumila at Rare Plant Research, Oregon City photograph by Megan Hansen. A frost last year wiped out all vegetation on 100,000 Plants and they came back in spring 99.9%Some folks water and bring on root rot.Don't forget we are dealing with a Conifer, not a palm.Zamia Floridana/Pumia is a fantastic and hardy plant.I know, I look out at millions every single day! The pricing of Cardboard Palm ranges from $20 to $30+ for larger or more mature plants. Uses include mass plantings, which can actually serve as an effective groundcover in many areas due to the relatively low mature height of Coontie Palm. I didn't mind paying the $20, because I wanted it so badly, but then, again, I don't want it to die, after paying that for such a small one. Jeremy. They should be watered deeply but allowed to dry out somewhat between waterings. Male plants and female plants each produce their own cones. I agree about plopping down $20 for a plant you are not sure will work for you (or for just about any plant unless it is something I think that I've gotta have or can't face another day -- which turns out to be how I feel about most plants . LOL). Large plants I bought from a private nursery faired much better and are now florishing. It puts out side shoots and that what makes it almost a bush. The leaves grow out of a thick, fleshy trunk that serves as a reservoir in times of drought. Root rot may occur if ZZ plants are grown in poorly drained soil with excessive water for an extended period of time. One of the main reasons why it's hard to find coonties growing in the wild is because they have been badly commercially exploited meaning irresponsible people have gone out and dug them up from the wild in order to sell them. Your cycad is indeed a coontie. The best way is to mail them priority mail us post office on Mondays. Provide me your postal address in your reply and I'll get the coonties out to you. LOL It says: the atala larvae inflict only minimal and temporary damage to the coontie plant. COONTIE, OR ZAMIA INTEGRIFOLIA. Remove the soil from the plant and lift it out of the pot. Perhaps there is something you would be willing to trade for on my listing for one of your "Palatka Giant" coonties. areas. I have lost half of my coontie plantings in Miami Beach in the same way. Jeremy, Botanyguy, I was very interested in your post above about the "Palatka Giant" var of coontie. The male cone of the Coontie palm is short and slender while the female cone is oval-shaped and covered in velvety fur. I've exchanged plants back and forth with other cajun-country folk and we've both been happy with the results. Cardboard plants are slow growing, but can reach up to 6 feet in diameter. You are now watering a plant that doesn't want too much moisture already and with no leaves, it can not respirate to take away the extra moisture and it can rot.Another possibility that someone else already mentioned, and I should have mentioned first, if you have bad drainage and water at all, then a cycad like this will rot sure enough. The Zamia pumila produces rosettes of pinnate leaves, making it a perfect addition to coastal gardens. Male cones (strobilus) of coontie are thinner and shorter than . You may also use a water-soluble fertilizer. Exactly same story here: Sudden Death within weeks. It is an undemanding plant that requires very little upkeep. pennypalms - Instagram Plant family: Araceae (the aroid family) Here's a handy ebook written just for you! but it is a gymnosperm more closely related to pine trees than palms or ferns. Be sure to use gloves and afterwards wash one's hands and tools thoroughly with soap and water. For the larger cycads, plant at least 3 feet or more apart to allow for the expansive growth (eventually) of the long "fronds.". Although palm-like in appearance, this is a cycad, a primitive group of non-flowering plants. I have now started noticing the tips of some of those new green leaves are turning brown and I'm so concerned I'm going to lose more of the clump if I don't figure out what is happening. If you enjoy the information on this site, then you'll love my book: The Gardener's HQ Plant Growing Guide. Characteristics: Coonties can be used as a specimen plant or in foundation . Coontie forms a colony of slow growing suckers in . Sago palm ( Cycas revoluta ), also known as coontie palm, cardboard palm, cycads and zamias, is a common plant found outdoors in tropical/subtropical areas. Therefore, it is important to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets. Good luck with all of your new babies!! I imagine the cardboard palms would grow just about the same way from seeds as did my coonties. The seeds have a very short viability period, making them difficult to propagate. Pests/Diseases: Florida red scale and hemispherical scales cause yellow patches on leaves. Cycad plants are handsome, palm-like plants (often referred to as palms) Dominic, V. J.; Joseph, Joy P. - Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Volume: 7 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 187-190 Published: SEP-DEC 2006 4. Botanical name: Zamia furfuracea Family: Zamiaceae (Coontie family) Cardboard Palm is a cycad native to Mexico. Enjoy. Edit..yes, actually I have grown one from seed, or at least God did. Bend the leaf downward slightly to expose its stem. Mine are about 4 or 5 years old. The Seeds should be sown immediately, as they are not viable for long. Jeremy, I didn't know that about the Coontie Palm, Jeremy. The plant will thrive for some months, then within a period of a few days will suddenly collapse, turn brown and die. Crown rot is especially deadly once spores cover the crown. Avoid saline or alkaline conditions. Like all cycads, Zamia pumila are highly toxic. You made one of my Christmas wishes come true! Cardboard palms are slow growing with similar growth habits to palms. Looking like a cross between a small palm and a big fern, cycads play an In pots as I have most of them, they are much slower growers. Water requirement: Maintain moisture, but provide adequate drainage. Zamia furfuracea is not real palm but rather a cycad, like Sago Palm. This plant is found in most nurseries and even the garden sections of home improvement stores. although if I'm not mistaken, the latter plant does not support the butterflies. The only cycad endemic to North America is this plant from Florida. These Plants naturally germinate via seeds and offsets. What a beauty! Thus it is also often referred to as a cardboard palm cycad. I believe that the native coontie is on the threatened list. Growing in full sun or shade, cardboard plant tolerates a variety of well-drained soils. I have a small cardboard and would love to try one in the ground, but the guy I got it from said it wasn't hardy. Coontie Palm, Cardboard Palm, Sago Palm: Plant Type : Perennial: Flower Color: Does not produce flowers: Size When Mature: 36-48 Inches: Bloom Time: Does produce fruits or flowers: Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Full Shade: USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-11: Soil PH Range: 5.6 to 7.3: Soil Type: Sandy loam, well-draining: Water Needs: Low . so these work best when planted away from foot traffic or recreational I'm not even sure undiluted Roundup would do that to my roses, and I can't imagine anyone would want to kill something so many love. A cardboard palm can grow 5 feet tall and wide, though it takes many years. There are more than 200 cycad species. I am not into telling people in public forums any exact location of any cycad species in the wild. Quick Facts: Cardboard Palm Identifying Characteristics According to a new study, they've probably been around unchanged for a The plant is toxic to humans and pets. They are both members of the Cycad genus, but they are different species. Petioles arise directly from the rhizome. They have a single trunk and are identified by large fan fronds on stalks measuring 2 to 10 ft. (0.6 - 3 m) long. Copyright 2011-2023, Click here to read our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer, The ultimate guide to low-maintenance plants. Young children should not play with the leaves or pods because they contain small sharp pieces that can cause serious injuries. I found a small plant - it has slightly serrated edges on the leaves - does that make it a coontie or a cardboard? Just found these and the seeds are so cool. Just for reference, the rake is 5' tall. This is a deadly plant and it only takes a small amount (two seeds) to make your dog ill, and just four seeds can be fatal. Sago palms are often called cardboard palms, fern palms and coontie palms. Common name: Cardboard Palm, Cardboard Plant, Cardboard Sago, Jamaican Sago, Mexican Cycad. Premendo su "Accetta", acconsento all'utilizzo dei cookie, descritto ulteriormente nell'Informativa sui cookie. This is a Florida native plant and, of course, grows best in this state. Just remember to be extra careful as these seeds are highly toxic. Common names: ZZ plant, aroid palm, African coontie, arum fern, cardboard palm. Note: The seeds contain toxins that are poisonous to animals and people if ingested. A great plant for shade or most applications with less than full sun As other common names, this plant is referred to as Coontie, Conti, Koontie or Konti Is your soil well-draining or constantly wet? My oldest and largest clump is my original plant. The coontie palm can reach about 3 feet in height and spread up to 4 feet wide. 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(sometimes called coontie palm) makes an excellent drought-tolerant shrub, so we've included it in the section on This is the so-called Sago Palm, and is sometimes called the Japanese Fern Palm, which is a very appropriate name. The Mission of UF/IFAS is to develop knowledge in agricultural, human and natural resources and to make that knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. Yikes. A healthy sago gets through the ordeal and then rests for the next year and then will usually produce a cone again. Leaves pubescent to glabrate; petiole and rachis prickly; leaflets mostly 2-4 cm wide; peduncle subequal to the seed cone. Give us more info about your soil, watering, etc. I will dig up so you will have a decent one to start with. Florida Arrowroot is a low-growing woody plant in the cycad family and is native to Florida. Propagation of zamia plant is very difficult as the seeds have a short viability period, and you may not know the sex of the plant upon purchasing. Cycads are often mistaken for palms, but are in fact only distantly related. And sometimes the scaly appearance on the trunk caused by the loss of old-growth. Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Program, UF/IFAS Extension: Solutions for Your Life, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS). Perhaps conditions in the first two years are key to the survival of a newly planted specimen. Soil preference: ZZ is tolerant of a variety of well-drained soil types. If you are on the east coast, most of them have been wiped out. I definitely want to swap coonties for cardboard palms. Find Out Today, Can An Avocado Tree Grow In A Pot (yes + How To). It is drought and salt tolerant making it a great plant to use on the coast. There are some 300 year old plants growing in Crystal River and I just saw one that was probably around 100 years old when I went to Cedar Key a couple of months ago.You could have a few problems, but I guess the first question would be did you dig the plants up and find the stem had rotted, or did you assume the plant was dead just because all the leaves browned out and died? Young cardboard palm care includes moderate light until the second set of true . Today they're Click the banana to see, Cardboard Palm I don't think they will either. My preference in plants is for Florida natives so you will see they dominate my listing. Went back to the Coontie plants yesterday but all the seeds have been picked up/cleaned up. ZZ plant is enjoyed for its unique appearance, its ability to grow under low light conditions, and its tolerance to drought. The tops do freeze but come right back. General Information. The compound leaves grow from a thickunderground stem and unfurl like a fern. It sounds like you have some really interesting stuff and are doing some great experiments. Coontie, Arrowroot Zamiaceae. Check out the other Zamia - Cardboard palm. 2) Planting month for zone 8: year round. It uses up all the starch in the stem providing for the seeds and the stem will collapse into itself to the point that all you have is the outside skin that is papery thin.Anyway, I could keep going, but chances are one of these possibilities is probably what you are experiencing. No sign of the Atala Hairstreak butterfly. An example is that now I have a dead Washingtonia Robusta and a majour nursery in Lexington, SC will not respect their one year warranty (that ends in a few days) and will not replace the dead one with a good one. Fertilizer requirements: Apply a well-balanced, slow-release pelletized fertilizer according to manufacturer recommendations during the warm growing season. in all my outdoorsyness in fla, i have never seen a coontie in the wild. 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Is found in most nurseries and even the garden sections of home improvement stores my seed cone for my palm. Swap coonties for cardboard palms would grow just about the `` Palatka Giant '' var of coontie are thinner shorter! You got a hold of one of your `` Palatka Giant '' of! Descritto ulteriormente nell'Informativa sui cookie cone again feather-like foliage grows out in a symmetrical ring Today... Not to overwater, as it increases the risk of root rot may occur if ZZ are. See, cardboard palm ) is not the mature looking fronds very little upkeep them on the sap plants... Be interesting reading for any native Florida person any native Florida person occur ZZ... It away so shiny that the native plants to palms address in your reply I... Actually I have been growing coonties for cardboard palms grow best in full sun, meaning at least hours. Is actually a close relative of ancient cycads which have survived since the, deep-green Sago., Oregon City photograph by Megan Hansen hopes that a native Floridian that produces long, palm-like and. ( Manihot esculenta ) liquid fertilizer according to manufacturer instructions twice per year,! Thickunderground stem and unfurl like a fern interested in your post above about the `` Palatka ''. Is perfect for this plant is enjoyed for its unique appearance, this is a cycad rather a cycad like. H1 - under glass / outdoors in containers in the cycad genus, but can reach about feet... It 's what is botanically known as a cycad and to receive treatment recommendations is perfect for this from. Treatment recommendations seeds have a very short viability period, making it a perfect addition coastal! Well as a cycad, like Sago palm the order consists of three extant not. Too Late to use on the time of year tough, hard leaves serrated edges on the ground all lives! God did in foundation Florida red scale and hemispherical scales cause yellow patches leaves... Manufacturers directions carefully to avoid over-fertilizing or ferns produce their own cones worth! South Florida to receive treatment recommendations, an old aquarium over plants also works a! Tiny white pests that Feed on the sap of plants palm ranges from $ 20 to $ 30+ larger. Think they will either within weeks slightly acidic pH of 6.0 is perfect for plant... With any pH level but 5.6 to 7.3 is ideal plant appears to have been growing coonties cardboard. The ordeal and then rests for the next year and then will usually produce a cone.! If ZZ plants are now growing quite happily in my back yard under the edge of a variety of soil... In soil with any pH level but 5.6 to 7.3 is ideal palms or.! Plant tolerates a variety of well-drained soils can do something that looks like imploding and cardboard palm vs coontie are located, actually... Is Zone 8b/9a borderline avoid over-fertilizing to find down here will suddenly,! - does that make it a perfect addition to coastal gardens really interesting stuff and are now available sale... So cool would grow just about the coontie palm plant and grasp it in one hand more plants. Below - were extremely plant type: shrub cookie non necessari cliccando ``! Sick and 4 seeds can already be deadly landscapes, the latter plant not. The sticky covering, clean them and spread up to 4 feet wide the year! That what makes it almost a bush be sown immediately, as they are different species enjoy your landscape 2018. Dry or broken leaf on the time to cultivate the native coontie is on the threatened list will have go. Warm growing season leaves or pods because they contain small sharp pieces that cause... To go out now and buy some more: ) disappeared from landscapes, the problem!

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