The Canadian Horse Defence Coalition is a collective of people, and national groups, who have joined forces in order to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption in Canada. That is why slaughter numbers have been almost as high as 400,000 and low as 47,000 in the mid-2000s. The trailer shows how the horses are kept in cruel, cramped conditions before being shipped live overseas for slaughter. In late February 2010, the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) received hidden camera footage of horse slaughter practices at Quebecs Viandes Richelieu and Albertas Bouvry Exports - the latter known as North Americas largest . Many were young healthy horses that were sold at auction to the highest bidder - a "killer buyer" working for a slaughterhouse. Americans are firmly opposed to the slaughter of horses." said Manda Kalimian, founder of CANA . Because of the anatomy, behavioral patterns and strong survival instinct of the horses, it is very difficult for the untrained slaughter plant workers to accurately use a captive bolt gun to render the horse unconscious. Your friendly neighborhood kill buyers are still doing business at the auctions and 134,059 US horses went to slaughter in Mexico and Canada last year. The terror, trauma and pain that horses endure in transport to slaughterhouses and on the killing floor - where they have been documented to have their throats cut while they are fully conscious - is unacceptable. The suffering of equines is unimaginable, with the actual transportation sometimes lasting more than 24 hours. Here are the facts. This was the second time that such a large number of horses are to be butchered. No. Thankfully, the facts are very easy on this cruel and . Slaughterhouses in Operation. A staggering 130,000 American horses were slaughtered in Mexico and Canada in 2015, yet the rodeo, racing, and show industries—along with other irresponsible breeders—continue to churn out hundreds of thousands of horses annually.. No. Horse Slaughter Abroad. Between 2015, and 2019, over 350,000 horses were exported for slaughter from the United States to Mexico. Despite claims to the contrary, most of the slaughtered horses are in good-to-excellent health, yet they are inhumanely killed and their meat shipped overseas to satisfy the demands of foreigners for "American Horse Steaks.". 2 the number of horses slaughtered in canada also dropped from 113, 334 in 2008 (when the us defunded meat inspectors at horse slaughter plants) to 54,100 in 2016. Every year, tens of thousands of equines from the United States are slaughtered for human consumption to satisfy the taste for horse meat in Europe and Japan where it is considered a delicacy. Current year to date as of September 15th, 20,188 horses were exported for slaughter and 4,057 cattle were exported for slaughter. Double iron. Other findings from that study were: - An overwhelming majority (89%) of Texas voters are unaware that horses are being slaughtered in the state for human consumption. In the late 80s, 350,000 horses were sent to slaughter per year. In 2007, all facilities in the U.S. that slaughtered horses for consumption were closed. Horses have served mankind since 3600 B . For instance, these are the health benefits of horse meat: Less cholesterol. Fact: Horse slaughter is not humane euthanasia. Facts on Horse Slaugter. Due to an ongoing movement by small . My brother-in-law took a trip to Iceland recently; when he visited a restaurant the waiter announced that the two options for the day were "fish or young horse". How many horses are sent to slaughter each year? Expensive to feed, expensive to own and very expensive to have euthanized by a veterinarian. He chose the fish without hesitation. There are only four federally registered establishments that perform horse slaughter, and most of this meat is exported. (Statistics Canada) Most equine establishments were located in Ontario with 252, followed by Alberta with 122. The Burns Amendment repealed the prohibition of the commercial sale of wild horses and burros for slaughter. The Reality Of Banning Horse Slaughter: Reuters claims that around 130,000 horses are slaughtered each year in Canada and Mexico and nearly as many in the United States. Approximately 920,000 horses die annually in this country (10 percent of an estimated population of 9.2 million) and the vast majority are not slaughtered, but euthanized and rendered or buried without any negative environmental impact. - When horse slaughter was stopped in 2006, horse welfare drastically decreased. Horses are slaughtered in Canada primarily to provide horse meat to European and Asian countries. The slaughter pipeline More than 1.5 million American horses were trucked to slaughter plants in Mexico and Canada from 2001-20. Another result of the 'supply and demand' cycle that is happening now. More protein. revenue from horse meat exports decreased from $76 million in 2016 to $31 million in 2018. A scientific poll conducted in California showed that 70% of those polled support a ban on horse slaughter. The term refers to the process of slaughtering horse for meat. Arguably it's we humans that are non-native, invasive and feral and not the equines. As well, the CHDC is lobbying to ban the inhumane transport and export of live horses to other countries for the same purpose. The vast majority of horse owners (as high as 99% in some States) already exercise humane euthanasia of elderly, sick or injured horses conducted by a licensed veterinarian. The horse slaughter industry and its supporters are working very hard to mislead the public and members of Congress. Horse meat is exported to Japan and other countries from facilities that are licensed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.The CFIA provides inspection services as required for horse slaughter as it does . More vitamin B. Healthier than Beef. Because killer buyers are paid by the pound for the horses they deliver, they look for healthy horses in good body condition, as well as horses in poor condition who can be fattened up. 11. A #1 is in very good flesh. Nothing about the process is humane. Horse slaughter is inherently cruel. When was horse slaughter banned in the United States? 443-821-3343. around 100,000 horses each year are, to this day, still being transported for slaughter to either Canada or Mexico. in 2008, around 134,000 horses were reported for slaughter in the U.S. and Canada. Share the shocking and disturbing facts of this industry with others, and please write your MP and the Prime Minister. 12. - A greater majority of voters (77%) are opposed to changing state law to . Help horses by educating yourself on horse slaughter. FACTS ABOUT OUR FOOD ~ HORSE SLAUGHTER ~ ----- OVERVIEW Horse slaughter is a serious concern in Canada because of the pain and suffering caused to horses during transport and slaughter. Canada-Wide Horse Industry Statistics. Horse Slaughter Statistics. Second, in Canada, the potential use of horse meat as a substitute for beef would be unlikely. Horse meat is considered to be the healthiest meat with a lot of health benefits. In 2012, more than 82,000 horses were slaughtered in Canada—that's nearly 1,600 horses killed each week. That predates Homo sapiens, us humans, by several million years. Horse meat is eaten in Canada and various countries in Europe, Asia and South America. The horse slaughter industry is demand driven. Because horses' instinctual flight response makes them ill-suited for stunning, they often endure repeated blows and sometimes remain conscious during dismemberment. Euthanasia is a gentle, peaceful death provided to prevent suffering. With nearly 72,000 horses slaughtered in 2013 alone, Canada's horse slaughter industry is among the largest in the world, and a shameful betrayal against our loyal companions. (Equestrian Nation) 550,000 of these individuals live in horse-owning households, while 350,400 people have reported using horses that are owned by someone else. Canada is home to approximately 500,000 horses, with 855,000 people active in the equine industry. . In 2006, . Live horse exports to Japan - Know the facts. More than 1.5 million American horses were trucked to slaughter plants in Mexico and Canada from 2001-20. In addition, the economic situation in Canada is Horse slaughter, whether in U.S. or foreign plants, was never and cannot be humane because of the nature of the industry and the unique biology of horses. March 29, 2010. . In fact, over 50% of horses sold at rural auctions go to slaughter. Every week, our team conducts undercover investigations at auctions, kill pens, feedlots and slaughter plants to document the abuse animals face every day. First, Canada does not currently permit beef imports from Europe. Slaughter is a brutal and terrifying end for horses, and it is not humane. A large number of horses are shipped to Canada for slaughter. When enough people speak out, politicians will be forced to act. In 2021 . Slaughter is a brutal and terrifying end for horses, and it is not humane. These horses sent to slaughter come from auctions, private owners, and captured wild horse herds or even stolen pet horses. Get the Facts On Horse Slaughter 2003 The Humane Society of the United States. They are transported across the border to slaughter facilities in Mexico and Canada and their meat is exported to foreign countries for human consumption. Call for the immediate closure of Canada's horse slaughter plants. Association of phenylbutazone usage with horses bought for slaughter: Sixty-seven million pounds of horsemeat derived from American horses were sent abroad for human consumption last year. Animals' Angels has documented transport times of more than 35 hours - and at no time were the horses ever given food or water, or provided a . The term refers to the process of slaughtering horse for meat. Should any irregularity . Meaning it is based on the demand for horsemeat and not a service provided to deal with horses no longer wanted. In the past, it has been a popular practice in many parts of the United States, but has diminished over the years. Drafts don't fit the bill for a #1 because they carry too much weight in bone. STATEMENT. Horse Transport: After being bought by a "kill buyer" they are loaded onto a double or single deck trailer and transported to their final destination, one of the slaughter plants in Canada or Mexico. Horse slaughter is NOT a humane death or euthanasia. were operating in the U.S., thousands of American horses were sent to Mexico and Canada for slaughter by these same methods every year. See below for more information about why horse slaughter needs to be banned in Canada. 3 however, as of 2017, the canadian government refuses to release horse slaughter statistics … A 2012 national poll confirms that 80 percent of Americans oppose the slaughter of horses for human consumption. Sponsored by Representatives Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.), this important legislation will prevent the horse slaughter industry from re-establishing operations in the U.S. and prohibit the export of US horses for slaughter in Canada and Mexico. Sept. 7 . Webster's defines euthanasia as "the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy.". Looking at data from 2012 to 2016, an average of 137,000 American horses were trucked over our borders each year to slaughter facilities in Mexico and Canada. Please take action, contact your representatives and urge them to co-sponsor . Post published . The terrifying road to slaughter. The United States has banned the slaughter of horses for human consumption which means many horses are shipped to Canada and Mexico for slaughter. They are tightly packed, with no water, and they are exposed to extreme temperatures. Horses are shipped for more than 24 hours at a time without food, water or rest in crowded trucks. Animal lovers must fight to enforce the new Horse Protection Act and stop the wholesale roundup and slaughter of healthy wild mustangs. Horse Slaughter Facts. In 2009, when the European economy got hit hard by the crisis and their governments came to the rescue of the bankers, demand of horse meat decreased a little, with 106,542 horses slaughtered, but still more than what were killed in 2004 (102,656), when the three US-based plants were open and thriving. If a horse weighs less than 1000 pounds they sell for less money even if they are in good flesh. The road to the slaughterhouse is also rife with cruelty and suffering. 443-821-3343. FACTS ON HORSE SLAUGHTER Every year tens of thousands of American horses are slaughtered for one reason - to supply the demand for horse meat. 1. 74.8% of these businesses were considered micro-businesses that employed five or fewer employees. Though exports have been dropping in recent years, tens of thousands of American equines continue to be shipped to slaughter across our borders annually. If our adoption fees make you squeamish, think about whether you can afford the first vet bill for an accident or illness…because they happen. This was the second time that such a large number of horses are to be butchered. Just over 100,000 horses were slaughtered in the US 2008. In 1971 a law was signed giving free roaming wild horses full legal protection. Although horse slaughter became illegal in the United States in 2008, it is not illegal to transport horses across the Mexican and Canadian border to be slaughtered. Every week, our team conducts undercover investigations at auctions, kill pens, feedlots and slaughter plants to document the abuse animals face every day. In 2015, 84,907 US horses were shipped to Mexico to be slaughtered while 45,629 US horses were shipped to . Every year, tens of thousands of equines from the United States are slaughtered for human consumption to satisfy the taste for horse meat in Europe and Japan where it is considered a delicacy. Horse Slaughter in the United States The last three U.S. slaughterhouses—two in Texas and one in Illinois, all foreign-owned—were shuttered in 2007. Animals' Angels works to fight cruelty against horses, dogs and farm animals in the US, Canada and Mexico. Less fat. 9. Two-thirds of horses set to slaughter are quarter horses, and many are castoffs from the rodeo or racing industries. Horses we adopt out cost us a minimum of $1,500 to rescue and get ready for adoption. The terror, trauma and pain that horses endure in transport to slaughterhouses and on the killing floor - where they have been documented to have their throats cut while they are fully conscious - is unacceptable. Between 2015 and 2019 a total of 355,821 equines were exported from the US to Mexico for slaughter, per USDA Market News data.