45 Scary and Disturbing Mythical Creatures from Around the World. Legend has it that the rose grew out where the tears of the women fell onto the ground. However, sightings of these lights were reported well before automobiles ever existed, so we have doubts that that's what's going on. Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead. Cougar, do, however, live in this area. The famous Tulsa Hex House lives on in the citys annual Hex House haunted attraction, one of the scariest Halloween haunts in the state. More intense than I had ever felt it. Yeah, mabey one of the many tribes there have Windego stories or ect. Dont wait for Halloween to check out some of these creepy and odd places around our great state. Legend has it that the area is a UFO crash site, and all the people that had reports about it can no longer be found or contacted - as in "disappeared". A shadow on all fours stalked about 100 feet deep through the woods. It's believed that the cellar belonged to an old, torn-down church, and the "purple" in the name comes from the purple "satanic" markings on the entrance of the cellar. Underwater Panther (in Potawatomi, Nambi-Za, Nampe'shiu, Nampeshi'kw, Nambzhew and other ways): A powerful mythological creature something like a cross between a cougar and a dragon. Eerie. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. Despite reportedly hundreds of sightings, the Arkansas Fish and Game Department state that the legendary Ozark Howlers were pet panthers that had escaped captivity.". Myths & Monsters. There are so many creepy, if not scary, stories that float around about our beautiful state that its hard to pick just a few. Here are some of the mythical half-human, half-animal creatures from stories told in past ages. So I ran. I'm having a hard time on google. Its a historic and haunted mansion that youll want to tour. We connect people with our worlds vanishing wildlife and wild places to inspire conservation action. It is one of the most popular creature that can be found in many literature texts including in the J. R. Rowling's Harry Potter novels. The Wampus Cat Our farm was 120 acres of woods and rolling fields. The Legend of the First Woman: Cherokee myth of how women were created. A counselor discovered the bodies one morning on her way to the showers. Those who hear the baying of the C-Sth must reach safety by the third bark or be overcome with terror to the point of death. The stikini are human by day, but each night the human form vomits its internal organs which allows it to shape-shift into an owl. One of the more popular theories is that a local miner, who tragically lost his head in a mining accident, is now wandering the area by lamp light searching for the lost appendage. Golems Famous in Jewish folklore, golems are most often depicted as beings created from inanimate matter such as clay or mud, which have been brought to life to serve. I first had visual sight of one was off HWY 65 on HWY 256, heading towards Welcome Home. I think it was brown or reddish in color. There is ample parking but . Yes I've heard of that one too. Copyright 2023 Unlock the Ozarks by Trillium Trust. There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it. There are a ton of ghost stories including a Ghost Train and a Female Ghost on Old Highway 66. In the Howler's case, this may be a combination of traits from the cougar (large cat, terrifying scream very unique and characteristic of the species) and things that got added on over time (glowing red eyes not found in any cat species, scary black color and horns, ect.). I'm curious if anyone knows of any cryptids in oklahoma, since I live here. During the chaos, the mother lost hold of her infant. Many have their basis in Mythology and some have emerged from cultural folklore. Smith was found guilty of housing two "religious slaves" in cages in her basement for over a decade; the house became known as "the Hex House", since the slaves were under some sort of hex (or so it's said). -Buddha. Have you spotted any? Its said that when you go into the opening, the walls of the church are covered in Satanic verses written in purple ink. Fraid I forgot where they said the sightings were. Smith was never charged with murder, but did jail time after the investigation. The entire town of Picher is abandoned, but it contains toxic levels of lead and other nastiness in the soil just about everywhere, so making it a short visit is a good idea. Mythological Creatures. Police investigated the area and found many dead animals in the vicinity. Visitors report apparitions that pull hair or push the visitors around. If you put your car in neutral at the bottom of the hill, a "mysterious force" will pull your vehicle up the hill. Do its eyes glow red or yellow? I would purposefully look for snakes, and for some reason ticks and chiggers seemed to leave me alone. Just as the infamous monster of Loch Ness in Scotland is known as Nessie, the mysterious monster of Lake Norman near Charlotte is known as Normie . He plays basketball and is totally willing to get in the car with you. It is also notoriously called Oklahomas Bermuda Triangle for strange occurrences dating back to the times of the Spanish explorer Coronado. I know wild animals, and have had encounters with mountain lions, bears, moose, and every kind of small game. After about 15 minutes, the voices of the creatures seemed to get closer to each other, eventually meeting up and wandering away from Millner's camp before the boys could see them. Absolutely nothing. In Wales, they were associated with migrating geese, supposedly because their honking in the night is reminiscent of barking dogs. It seems that a good number of soldiers were coming back home to try to make a living after the war, and had built some new houses outside of town in order to start their new families. Scottish, Irish, Welsh and English settlers homesteaded the Ozarks plateau in the mid to late 1800s, and they brought with them their ancestral stories and mythologies. a mythological wolfhound that takes human souls to the afterlife. This is normal for me. The heroes are probably the best-known part of Greek mythology, but what makes a hero?. His voice was trembling when he told me his account of the encounter. Lightning struck her horse and carriage and knocked her baby away; she could not find her, but could hear her crying. stheanan) to supply milk for the children of the fae (daoine sth). Or is it more goat-like with horns and shaggy fur? Oklahoma has tons of abandoned places - just take a drive on almost any old country road and youll see tons of rickety old homesteads decaying in open and vacant fields. Get more stories delivered right to your email. Consisting of half pipe, quarter pipe and urban pieces such as picnic table, g Children natually love to play in the grown-up roles of their parents. Not as intense but again my mind called out, there it is, turn around. I slowed down to get a better look at it and it started running right at my car.I freaked out I floored the gas petal and drove away. It is said that if you go out to old Boggy Creek Bridge on Friday the 13th, you can still hear the baby crying. List of Lakota deities Below is a list of commonly recognized figures who are part of Lakota mythology, a Native American tribe with current lands in North and South Dakota. A family living north of Van Buren in the Boston Mountains of Crawford County set out trail cams after spotting what they believed was a cougar. Many people believe he was an outlaw, a drunk and part of a notoriously incompetent gang that roamed Oklahoma and the surrounding states during the turn of the century. Now if you want my GRAMMA's stories of what she claims she's seen or encountered - well, there are aliens, little red men with pitchforks, a bipedal armadillo man that can change its size, flying opossums, shadow people, shadow spiders that creep up and down walls like shadows, but they're alive, super spiders that are immune to crushing and fire, invisible fleas, door-opening ghosts, phantom guests that somehow just come into your house and basically make themselves at home and visit and eat and relax, robotic dogs, a friend of mine who "can turn into other people", and best of all, a man that lives in a house, but that is not actually a normal man, but is made up of smaller men in the shape of a man, that kidnaps little girls. Ive never seen its like since. I went to see the neighbor with the horse. The name, "Chupacabras," comes from the Spanish words, "chupar," which means "to suck," and "cabras," which means "goats.". However, the head resembled that of a buffalo or . I'm in northeastern Oklahoma, and there are actually Bigfoot hunters that eat at a restaurant in Green Country here early in the morning, then head out on their expedition, at least a couple times a year, supposedly the area between Claremore and Vinita have had such sightings (triangle UFOs too), including one that allegedly turned cars over in the parking lot of a bingo game in the 80's (my mom was a bingo caller), there are also supposedly bears, cougars, white wolves, panthers, mountain lions and a colony of monkeys living in a copse of trees somewhere around here, as well as your typical giant black dog that runs alongside your car on the open highway and jumps fences; there is the Winganon Swamp Monster, that supposedly breaks the tops of and tears fence posts out of the ground, and actual police officers reported what they call "orcs" in the Chelsea cemetery, about three feet tall, dark figures that move around among the tombstones - supposedly the police won't go into the place alone on foot without two or more people, or being in their car. Their bodies were abnormally thin with their ribs sticking out through their skin and their eyes were sunken deep into their sockets. For some examples of the ghosts said to be wandering the lands of Oklahoma, as well as their stories, Surrounded By Mountains, This All-Inclusive Ranch In Oklahoma Is The Getaway You Deserve, Sleep Among Towering Trees At This Wondrous Tree House In Oklahoma, Stay Overnight In This Breathtaking Bungalow Just Steps From The Lake In Oklahoma, Theres An American Pigeon Museum In Oklahoma, And Its One Of The Quirkiest Places Youll Ever Go, Dont Drive On These 6 Haunted Streets In OklahomaOr Youll Regret It, 9 Disturbing Cemeteries In Oklahoma That Will Give You Goosebumps, These 10 Haunted Cemeteries In Oklahoma Are Not For the Faint of Heart, The Story Behind This Evil Place In Oklahoma Will Make Your Blood Turn Cold, Ole Jeff T.V.& Supernatural Oklahoma News./YouTube. The front seemed to be long like a dogs but wide near the front like a cats, and no claw marks told me that if it did have claw then they retracted. Fantastical Creatures and Magical Beasts Monsters: Evil Beings, Mythical Beasts, and All Manner of Imaginary Terrors Giants, Monsters, and Dragons: Good compilations of monster myths from all over the world, including Native American monsters. Inkanyamba South Africa Gigantic, winged eel with a voracious appetite that is . I've heard of two: Bigfoot and Goatman. Bigfoot stories have been a staple of southeast Oklahoma for decades. It reminded me of watching lions take down zebras on discovery. May 25, 2006 in Cryptozoology, Myths and Legends. She went to prison and when she was released, she left Oklahoma. Im 25 now and in all my encounters with dangerous animals I have never run. As I left the woods and crossed through the fog near the creek I felt it again. They do concede that it is possible there might be individual big cats living in the mountains, pointing out they likely were once held as pets but escaped or were turned loose by their owners. Their hair is black as coal, and their eyes glow like . He said it had very long ears, or horns, and was black with thick fur. The lowest boughs are dead from not receiving sunlight and smack you in the face if youre not careful. It was a shocker. If you're familiar with the BFRO people, they've taken a huge interest in the area, towards the end of this year they're doing an expedition that anyone can go on for a hefty sum of money haha. I looked through the rusty window towards the direction that I thought my future kill was. Dad left the chainsaw in the truck bed, got in and drove away. Its fame was assured by three movies about a hairy, ape-like creature that supposedly haunts the swampy Sulphur River bottoms of Miller County. Havent heard how the sample turned out. It's easy! A local Half man half cat. They have the heads and torsos of ugly women, long talons, and bird bodies. The bridge is not accessible anymore, but it can be seen via a nearby road. Its sound has been described as very deep and guttural as well as a high-pitched howl. Others have said that its the most unearthly scream and half-human. One of the most common descriptions of the sound is like the screams of a woman. Those who have heard the screams pierce the night never forget the chill that ran up their spine and the feeling of dread that washed over them. Fools talk because they have to say something." He had some binoculars, so he took a look in the direction from which they had run. Mythological Monsters. If you don't believe these legends, you might be right in thinking it's just an optical illusion. RunnersWorld Tulsa Mythical Marathon, Half Marathon and 5K. The Deer Man is a mysterious humanoid cryptid that was reportedly witnessed on a night in early Spring 2012 in the Witchita Mountains in Oklahoma by Kyle Heying and several friends. 2023 Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department, Unique and Quirky Places to Stay in Oklahoma, Introducing Oklahoma State Parks' New Restaurant Partner, The Smoky Sixteen: Oklahoma's Barbecue Hotspots. Photo by Mythical Creatures in Oklahoma Ever since the days of the ancient Caddo Empire, Oklahoma's residents have conjured wild tales and fascinating stories about strange monsters and unbelievable beasts roaming the wilds. Supposed to be some Crybaby Bridges around to state and a haunted hill near ochelata and a few haunted places spread around. Where to find one: In Inferno, Dante and his guide Virgil encounter the Minotaur as they enter the seventh circle of hell. Some are real, and others are just tales that are told to explain different experiences. He is the first candidate appearing on the mythical creatures list. The description was classic Ozark howler. . So I spent a lot of time in the woods tracking and preparing game stands and watching for poachers. If youre brave enough to visit the site, you might see dead animals at the opening and hear demonic voices. Another theory is that ghosts of car crashes from the past pull your car away from where they died themselves. Though, the Howler, doesn't look anything like a cougar. Legends And Myths. When I returned home my mother told me that she had received calls from the neighbors. As for other strange things in north east Oklahoma. With each of my steps a guttural purr came from it. Basilisk - A legendary lizard who could kill a man with its stare. There is no reason for him to make up such a story, and he was very shaken up after the sighting. Numerous local legends have tried to explain the phenomenon. (unlikely. (JPG. Ever since, there have been accounts of other people who have simply vanished into a mysterious alternate dimension in the same way. I heard they caught a couple of hitchhikers one time and only one of them got away. Its cry is often described as being a combination of a wolfs howl and an elks bugle. I bent over and began walking through the cedars and my mind said, there it is, turn around. I always thought it was odd that someone would wear flannel in the summer. Gorgeous weather, delicious food and holiday celebrations are Oklahoma has divided its diverse landscape into six regions or "countries" - each with a distinct flavor, image and unique cities and towns that make great destination sites. Many have concluded that this strange appearance of light can be explained by automobiles' headlights reflecting from miles away. In fact, the heavily forested area is said to be one of the most active for Bigfoot sightings in the country. Mist fills a tree-lined valley surrounding the Mountain Fork River in Beavers Bend State Park on a cool fall morning. Have you asked anyone you know? Third and lastly is this. Two thoughts were in my head. Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster may be the best known mythological creatures in the world, but they are far from the scariest-with apologies to the 14% of Americans who believe Bigfoot is real and the one in five Scots who have complete faith in the existence of Nessie. About 7 feet long and almost 4 feet tall at the shoulder, it was observed walking out of a thicket on the far side of the small valley, took a drink from a puddle, and then disappeared., I have seen this creature very close to Jasper, Arkansas. Gnawed on with giant claw marks through my body. Goatman here is news to me. By all accounts, Elmer should have been forgotten after he was killed during a shootout in 1911. Nothing. Beaman Richard Elzey/Flickr zenilorac/Flickr The Beaman is a monster of the Kansas City area, and has reportedly been spotted on both sides of the state border. There are mystical mythical creatures that inhabit land, the sea and the air. Missouri, the Ozarks in particular is a historically rich and beautiful place. Located just off I-35 between Ardmore and Davis, Pioneer Road is in a rural area and it is advised that someone look out for traffic on the side of the road while attempting to be pulled up Magnetic Hill. If you park your car at the bottom of the hill on Pioneer Road and put it in neutral, youll feel your car being pulled uphill as you let off the brake. Snallygaster - Maryland: The snallygaster is reported to be a flying reptilian-bird-like creature that hunts farm animals and children in the South Mountain region. I think I've caught sight of it once or twice. Sun and her Daughter Daughter of the Sun: Cherokee myths about the daughter of the Sun. Maybe there ain't really much that happens here. Two, The Man in Flannel was wearing the same thing the second time I saw him, when he was guiding me out the woods. Half human almost. When fall hit I turned 16 and things just got worse. Hesperides - these Greek nymphs are associated with the light of sunset, and they guard a sacred tree of golden apples. More like a Bobcat or Lynx, which, I think you might find, if I remember correctly, don't live anywhere near this area. There are a ton of ghost stories including a Ghost Train and a Female Ghost on Old Highway 66. Apparently, something was disturbed where some of the new houses were made, and let residents know how upset it was. It wasnt lion, or cougar, or bear. The spiritual entities of Lakota mythology are categorized in several major categories, including major deities, wind spirits, personified concepts, and other beings. Maybe an old person who has lived there awhile if they have heard of something? Most agree that it is either black or dark in color. Most describe the Wendigo as a figure about 15 feet tall with an emaciated, haggard body, signifying its insatiable appetite for feeding on human flesh. The Sooner State is a mid-sized state nestled in the center of the U.S. 7. Needless to say I did not hunt that year.. She leaned over the edge of the damaged bridge, and in doing so, lost her footing and fell into the river. According to legend, this mansion was located near 111th and Sheridan in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sometimes described as more than 14 ft tall, the monster's kind was said to have descended from demons. The creature was never caught. Mountains in the south east give way to river valleys in the south west where I lived. Only in 2005 when I was watching a show on National Geographic did I hear of Bigfoot sightings in Oklahoma. A cryptid, depending on who you talk to, is either an animal that has not been biologically confirmed to exist, or a mythological creature that exists only in tall tales and local folklore. Smith had reportedly put these women under a hex. In a world where oral tradition can add mystery to any tale, Oklahomas rich and unique history has spawned a variety of chilling tales and urban legends. I should preface with two things. He made it to the fog bank at the forest edge and I yelled out for him to stop. I've seen it a few times myself. (unlikely. He quickly changed his mind when he began walking down to his field and saw the thing running along his fence line. When she isn't exploring Oklahoma, she enjoys visiting the beaches of California. Like the day where I ran into the man in flannel I started at the north end in the cedar thicket and moved south. The couple moved immediately after the incident. All mutilated and chewed up. One of these more fearsome creatures was the tahsaia, a "cannibal demon" described by the Zuni people of the Southwest as huge and demon-like. This is the only one that has a specific date the incident allegedly occurred, though. I slowly moved my rifle from the sling to my shoulder so I could pull up quick and shoot if I needed to. Did you know that mile for mile, Oklahoma offers the nation's most diverse terrain? What is the weirdest food combination you've ever tried? First reported in 1951 by a woman named Mrs. Laub, the Wolf Deer is described as standing roughly the size of a grey wolf and weighing between 50-60lbs. Its territory extends from southern Missouri to northern Arkansas and sightings have even been recorded in Oklahoma and Texas. The Alphabetical List of Mythical Creatures List of Mythical Creatures A-C Alicorn - The name for a winged unicorn. Tracks showed up on our land to. The place we stayed at was a small building in the center of the forest. The first reported sightings of the "Boggy Creek" monster were in 1946, and it was seen again in 1965. According to Welsh folklore, their growling is loudest when they are at a distance, and as they draw nearer, it grows softer and softer. Mysterious lights, hexes, traveling mummies and even Bigfoot himself have all earned their place in Oklahoma's lexicon of urban legends. Don't wait for Halloween to check out some of these creepy and odd places around our great state. And since we were poor we subsisted off of venison. 'cus for some reason, man-eating octopus supporters always forget to put those in the story. I usually only carry a rifle in hunting season but I started carrying one constantly later that Summer. It supposedly drowns swinmers. I never knew it was until I did the research, it is very elk like, almost like a horn, but definitely a howl. Did you read that the lake it's reputed to inhabit is completely manmade, less than fifty years old, and that the lake has no real connections to other bodies of water to allow anything in? All I can say is I'll never drive down Highway 60 alone at night again. Residents report seeing a black, goat-shaped creature roaming the Ozarks forests. Thus, "Chupacabras" literally translates to "goat-sucker.". The world-famous Route 66 segment that runs through the state is filled with tales of spectral hitch-hikers, disappearing pedestrians, and so much more. Where to begin? The Cherokee Rose is a seven-petal flower with a white center that grows along the Trail of Tears, the path the Native Americans took from North Carolina to Oklahoma when President Jackson forced the Cherokees and other tribes to move west. Many call them ghosts who eat humans, leaving a smart reason to avoid cemeteries. Other creepy, supposedly spooky places include a few museums, like Fort Washita and the Cherokee Strip Museum, where many people met their end. Oklahoma - Oklahoma Octopus. Natives told stories of saber tooth tigers that used the roam the land, though they have been gone for thousands of years. I didnt see a whole lot, but the one thing I did notice was that it had a big, long, thick tail. Heard of sightings of a couple ufos. When Houghtons family moved out of the mansion, it was turned into a funeral home for a few years before becoming the inn it is today. Its been replaced by a paved lot, but the basement was never dug up. I've tested every method including peppering my cars trunk with flour to catch the ghostly prints. Instead, Elmers corpse was taken to a funeral home in Pawhuska, Oklahoma where an undertaker decided to embalm the unclaimed remains. Frontier City is Oklahoma's oldest and largest theme park offering over 40 acres of fun for the entire family! Many explanations are given for this fun mystery. Uktena, the Horned Water Serpent, was a near-invincible crystalline snake with a gemstone in its head. This is the hill country so its not hard to believe. I have heard a lot of bigfoot stories from down Southeast. Pallas and the Centaur, ca. The Jikininki are a very special type of mythological creature. Entities that may be considered cryptids by cryptozoologists include Bigfoot, Yeti, the chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Mokele-mbembe. Last year, around New Years, I was driving home after a party, and I was going around this curve which is really tight, especially at night after a party, if you know what I mean, and I saw this big thing run across the road right in front of me, caught in the headlights. Lurking in remote areas of Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas, this creature is said to be about the size of a bear. I'm having a hard time on google. From crying babies to crybaby bridges to sightings of Bigfoot, well always wonder which ones might be true. The problem is that wildlife officials maintain there is not a breeding population of cougars left in Arkansas. I know the Ozark Howler was pronounced fake. He charged visitors a nickel to see the mummy for several years before a circus man, claiming he was McCurdys relative, swindled the funeral home into selling him McCurdys corpse. Later that summer people with our worlds vanishing wildlife and wild places inspire! River in Beavers Bend state Park on a cool fall morning to check out some of the explorer... Inspire conservation action and chiggers seemed to leave me alone Mythical Creatures A-C Alicorn - name... Was never dug up of woods and crossed through the cedars and my mind called out there! Should have been forgotten after he was very shaken up after the sighting theory is ghosts. It once or twice first Woman: Cherokee Myths about the Daughter of the Mythical,! 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