You are using an out of date browser. Increased range to scale Minimap icons more. Flash and the Titans fought Red X but the villain quickly escaped without a trace. Added click-through option for Actionbars: Bar 1 through 10, Pet, and Stance bar. [30], The surviving heroes and villains joined up on Themyscira for a final battle against the forces of the Last 52 Multiverse. [54], Mister Terrific used the technology which he and Barry had developed to communicate with Wally during his body-hopping adventure to track Barry's unique resonance signature in the Speed Force, and was able narrow his possible location to three alternate realities. Fixed issue with AP calculation on items in bags. :), Added new "Unified Font Sizes" setting for "Replace Blizzard Fonts" (on by default). Fixed issue which caused AFK mode to not update correctly when changing profile. Also, Apply All Fonts will a work for these again. Added a toggle in General for Voice Overlay. Seals were showing when Parchment Remover was enabled, should be hidden again now. Each type of UnitFrame (Player, Target, Etc) has new options to disable these settings individually. In a panic, Wally tried to dig his friend out of the rubble, but then saw him nearby in costume and hugged him in relief. 'name:medium:translit'. It will now send a lot fewer messages in total. Performance updates to oUF (Thanks LS) and LibRangeCheck (Thanks Irame). Powers and Stats Tier: 2-C | At Very least Low 1-C | Likely 2-A Name: Wally West Origins: DC Comics Gender: Male Age: Likely in his 20s Classification: Mobius Chair Flash, The Flash The resulting occurrence leads to the breaking of the Force Barrier, and Barry and Wally falling out of the sky. Added Beacon of Virtue to Buff Indicator filter. Fixed minor positioning issue with role indicator on unitframes. Fixed AP calculation for items with very high values for Asian clients. Fixed an issue which plays the bag sounds if you open the Game Menu. Fixed Minimap colored green when ElvUI Minimap is disabled. 105%. Wally, realizing that he had never created a life for himself outside of superheroics, agreed with the decision. Updated the New Item Glow to the Bag module. And I was gonna do Mobius Chair Wally, but he would stomp if I do that. Export Compression method changed to use LibDeflate. Removed "Hide In Instance" option for chat bubbles. Added nameplate friendly NPC option "always show" this is used to toggle npc nameplates using blizzards setting; so that they can go into blizzard name-only mode. Fixed issue which caused community chats to be shown in all chat frames. Its only known power source is Element X. Added new "CastByNPC" special filter for aura filtering. He even wanted to cut himself off from the Speed Force after discussing it with his wife Linda. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; Media. Fixed the title tag for FRIENDLY_NPC Nameplates. Pickup for Actionbar buttons was weird, it still is but less. You've not actually explained how this is the case beyond "well he didn't rebuild the multiverse.but he would have!" Dick Grayson's apartment building in Bludhaven was bombed by an assassin working for his arch-enemy Blockbuster. [7], During a mission with the Titans, Wally was drugged and abducted by Deathstroke, the world's deadliest assassin. Target and Focus frames now have a shiny combat icon. Style Filters threat triggering is now no longer wearing slow shoes. Allow more than two chains for Evoker Disintegrate. Fixed Enchant Text on Item Level and Minimap Location Text not clipping properly on non english clients. Reworked the Talent frame skin slightly, in order to improve determination of selected talents. Display Cast Bar in Party section of options was a little broken. Updated the Raid Utility, with nice clean shiny fresh new updates. Added mover for the Maw Buffs widget in raid/dungeons. Works only in the Open World. [1] Formerly the protg and successor of Barry Allen, he was trapped in the Speed Force for years, with the world forgetting his history until his metaphorical "rebirth". (Thanks to Rubgrsch and siweia!). This was also added as an action in style filters. Values on the Artifact DataBar tooltip will now use the short format provided by ElvUI. [10] However, thanks to his cousin, he managed to survive, and his heart condition had healed. The van drove to meet with the assassin, who was revealed to be KGBeast. Fixed up the Hide Button Glow on ActionBars, it was a bit funky before when implemented. [20], Wally spent one last day with his kids, spending a nice dinner with them and giving them one last kiss before deciding to make his move. Added Custom Font options for Unitframe Castbars (Thanks @Caedis). Removed some of the excessive options in Buff Indicator which were overrides which were left over from the old code. This option can be found in the NamePlate General Options. Player Nameplate should behave more often now.. Added Blizzards way to highlight scrappable items if the Scrapping Machine Frame is open. Stacks on nameplate auras will no longer be hidden when they reach 10 or above. You can select which classes and specs this filter should activate for. Added skin for RaidProfiles New Profile Popup. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! If no role is selected then it will ignore this trigger and try to activate. Just click on your Battle.tag to add/edit the status message. (Rubgrsch). Profession skin tweaks and the Reagent icon borders were fixed. Wally was happy to be welcomed back by the Titans, but he did not have the courage to approach Arsenal, who was raised as a zombie for the fight by Batman. Now enter Wally Manhattan in the realm of DC connective energy or crisis energy is absolute and above any lesser energy form in terms of raw destructive/creative capability, its above conceptual beings of which the pheonix is one of them. ElvUI_CustomTweaks is now depreciated and forced off. Fixed issue on pet bar which may have caused the "auto cast" markers to show in the wrong pet spells. Consumable items that disappear when logged out are now sorted last to avoid gaps in the ElvUI bags. Encounter Journal opens correctly with Smaller Map on. Not sure who or why people would even begin to vote Thor lol, Isn't Wally with the MC is nigh omnipresent, nigh omniscient, and low outerversal? Chat has a Server Time setting now which can be used instead of Local Time. Fixed non-relic keyword search. Workaround by foxlit. Nameplate NPC Title Text will now show the glow color on mouseover when it's the only thing shown on the nameplate (health and name disabled with show npc titles turned on). Fixed Cutaway feature error on nameplates. Adjustments to the Quest Skin to try to keep the text and backgrounds showing properly (again). His new powers allow him to sense and seek out the source of the chaos that is erupting in the multiverse. Adjusted fonts to scale a little better to follow what Blizzard intended. Speed equalise is kinda irrelevant to this battle anyway. Fixed issue which could cause an error in other addons when Chat History was enabled. (Thanks Kkthnx for the idea!). Added Mistweaver PVP Buffs (Peaceweaver and Dematerialize) to the Whitelist. Don't allow certain DataTexts not be toggled in combat because of Blizzard restriction. Classic Era Bags error about bankOffset was resolved. Added a Show Bubbles option for Databars. Fixed issue which caused the options to open with the incorrect size. Fixed issue which prevented Datatext text being displayed on first game load in. The Chat Module now supports Custom Class Colors a little better now. General section of Units in Unitframe settings are less of a mess. They are not in a guild >.>. 39 Votes in Poll. Just because you put together a jigsaw doesn't mean you can then melt it down or do anything with it. Removed Guide text from mentor chat, icon will still show. This allows you to separate each individual group. Empowered spells now support Release and Tap casting. Totem Bar was renamed to Totem Tracker. Some of its functions resemble a Mother Box, such as: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Added possibility of hooking into style filter conditions. Fixed Nameplate Cutaway health not following Style Filter Health Color changes. Fixed black Objective Text, if Parchment Remover is enabled. Obsessed with his quest for knowledge, Metron dedicated his life to the creation of a device that could traverse time and space. Removed the 'Forcing MaxGroups to' message. Fixed bags from being shown over the WorldMapFrame (#592). Skinned the Communities Notification Buttons. Lacks complete control over his time manipulative powers. [Nameplate] Added ElvUIPlayerNamePlateAnchor for WeakAuras and other AddOns. Fixed issue which caused E:UpdateAll to be called twice, potentially causing errors in plugins. (#1305). Fixed error in Garrison skin when the addon GarrisonCommander was enabled. Take account to the new Blizzard-Nameplate system. The remaining speedsters split into two teams to rescue both Barry and Jay and the kids. [31], The first wave was successfully repulsed, but when the Darkest Knight killed Perpetua he was able devote his full attention to the battle and unleash his best troops. This is for developers of plugins for ElvUI. You find it under: ElvUI - Buffs&Debuffs - Statusbar. Top 10 Downloads HydraUI. 52674 (downloads) ElvUI EasyBuff. Fixed friendly nameplates not showing in Garrisons. Wally "invited" Dick to stay in his house, carrying him there before he had a chance to object. Health and Power prediction has learned new tricks. Fixed Bag and Bank search from not being cleared consistently. Fixed a dropdown text position if the Communities Frame is minimized. Reworked how ElvUI unsnaps textures, textures will be unsnapped globally now. So unfuck that. Fixed Reverse fill on Power elements on Unitframes. [Unitframe] Cleaned some of the Castbar code, as we believe this is part of the reason for the Unitframes to cause additional lags. Easily able to move within 6D Space with the Chair. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Power Girl Supporting Cast" category. (Note: NonTarget is used to replace the NonTarget Alpha option and Target is used to replace the Target Scale option. Wrath Bank and Bags should work properly. Using the Speed Force excessively and recklessly can result in him being permanently trapped in it. wait shouldnt wally with dr Ms powers have "At least stellar, possibly immeasurable" lifting strength? We now only use one Font option for the Character-/Inspect Feature. At least Low Multiverse level, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level with Environmental Destruction (With the entire Speed Force broke the Speed Force barrier in conjunction with Barry), Speed: Massively FTL+ (Faster than his Pre-Flashpoint self following his return from the Speed Force. Thanks to Azilroka the Buff Indicator and Aura Bars are now recoded! 3D Portraits can properly fade out again (using a work-around as this is still bugged). (Thanks AcidWeb and Ls- for helping us with this!) Fixed (hopefully) a Smart Aura Position setting issue which would cause the Buffs and Debuffs on Unitframes to cause a SetPoint error. EXP Databar layering was a getting reset. Attempted to fix Quest Icons on Nameplates which caused one quest to be displayed twice. Added font-outline option to tooltip healthbar. Some Actionbar (also one on Wrath), Grouping, VehicleButton, and PetBar taints fixed. Added Profession Quality icon buttons which hold profession items (settings under AB -> Profession Quality). This comes with new Small Medium and Large buttons to quickly adjust the scale. Well, I cannot find the thread currently, but I'll try my best to find it. Changed Health Backdrop Multiplier to be an Override instead. It seems unitframes were confused as to whether or not the unit was, If you were a bad boi and interrupt yourself with the. Made this thread to get input from knowledgeable DC supporters on how the keys should be structured. Fixed rare error in nameplates regarding attempt to use a non-unit value as argument for UnitIsUnit API. Addon Manager skin can now display addon names in other languages, instead of squares. As stated, he didn't even get to see if he could or couldn't do it anyway, so it's a completely unquantifiable factor. Immeasurable at his peak? Chat Panels were not sized correctly when Chat was disabled. [Unitframe] Added Duration option for cooldown text and reworked the cooldown code. External Edit of ElvUI that adds additional functionality and design options to ElvUI, such as a different frame style. Fixed issue with mover on Totem Bar for Wrath. Blizzard's Target Interact Icons can now appear on Nameplates. Tweaked the way the UI Scale popup shows to prevent it from happening in more cases, when it should not be shown. Ok? LFG icon should work with other Minimap addons and moving it is possible in (Minimap > Buttons > LFG Queue). Removed alert and flash in chat tabs when chat history is displayed after a login or reload. [Config] Made the Enable Checkboxes in the config colorful, so that they're easier to spot, plus it looks really cool, imo. Fixed the raid marker from not circling (they were stacked, oops). Bags might open from Gold Datatext again for those it wasn't. The Titans then arrived just after Red X murdered the psychic villain before fleeing the scene with Nevermore, who told the Titans not to follow them. Wally jumped into his own son Jai twenty years in the future, where Irey was waiting for him. I see, I see. (#821), Fixed issue which would show a NPC Reputation instead of NPC Title on NamePlates when Colorblind mode was enabled. Focus Glow based on if a unit is Focused. Fixed Selection Player Color sometimes being incorrect. Added option to show an icon on an item in the bags if it's scrappable. Knowing what needed to be done, he forced Tempus to promise him to get his kids to Earth once he acted, leading to Wally to sit on the Mobius Chair and obtain its knowledge and power. (Abeline). (!169). To make matters worse, they would even forget their own history as a group due to the machinations of Mister Twister, further hiding Wally's existence. Time datatext will now use the 24 hour clock by default in non-US regions. I hope. Fixed the strange issue where two Main Tank or Assists would cause the frames to become very long. Add Echoes of Ny'alotha to Currency DataText. Default chat bubbles can now use the ElvUI chat bubble font unless it was disabled. Backdrop on the Microbar was a little off, that is sorted. Tooltip was erroring when Minimap was disabled. (Thanks oUF/LS-)! Allows you to skin other addons to match the ElvUI appearance. What does the Mobius Chair give beyond knowledge? Profile Export is now cleaned of settings which are not considered active. Added some additional spells to the RaidDebuffs and RaidBuffsElvUI filters for M+ dungeons. [Nameplate / Unitframes] Added a new smoothing method to Unitframes and Nameplates. Published Feb 5, 2020. PVP Classification Indicator can now be displayed on Arena Frames. Added options to change font, size and outline on the new itemlevel and enchant info on Character/Inspect frame. Yeah those guys, I usually just call them fourth dimension. Adjusted the Flight Map's font to match the general media font (#306). Rewrote the Cutaway bars to provide a cleaner implementation that works better with various nameplate and unitframe settings. Fixed issue which made it impossible to target raid members in vehicles in the new raid instance. Added an option `Nameplates -> General -> Name Colored Glow` to use the Nameplate Name Color for the Name Glow instead of Glow Color. Isnt the speed force the concept of speed? As Barry Allen was running from the Black Racer, Wally managed to make his first contact in years by calling Barry's name, though the speedster wouldn't realize what it meant until later.[3]. Shortened the text displayed on the movement speed datatext. Disabled the version reply over the ElvUIGVC channel at Blizzards request. Fixed Heirloom Cooldown not fitting the icon. Fixed issue which caused unitframe tags containing literals to use OnUpdate instead of their assigned events. The option can be found for each individual custom currency added. Added toggle option for display of targeted nameplate health bar. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Added trigger if the unit is Focused (or not). Tempus fulfilled his promise and reunited the twins with Earth-0's Linda, whose memory of Wally and the twins returned to her. <3. Mobius Chair Wally West. Added some options for the top and bottom cosmetic panels (under the new cosmetic tab, under general). Fixed issue which caused enemy nameplates to break after having targeted a friendly unit in an instance and have the classbar appear above that nameplate. Added Color options to the UnitFrames to choose the Blizzard Selection Colors. I question your ability to comprehend power levels. Updated skinning of the 'TodayFrame' in the calendar. Fixed a few issues with auto-invite relating to other realms and multiple friends from the same bnet account. Bag Bar: Fixed scaling and backdrop weirdness. Drain Soul has 5 ticks (not 6 ticks btw). Skinned a missing button on the new PVPMatch skin. Cooldown Target Aura now supports Macro spells. Varies with speed, up to Solar System level normally, up to Low Multiverse level, possibly Multiverse level+ at his peak (Can tank the recoil of his own attacks), Stamina: Near Infinite (According to Wally, he will never run out of energy due to his direct connection to the Speed Force[24]), Range: Standard Melee Range (Most of his powers are melee-based, but he can use ranged Speed Force effects a few meters away), up to Several kilometers with whirlwinds and such. Fixed issue which caused "Fluid Position" option for Player unitframe to go missing. Fixed an issue with the Ace3 skin which caused some buttons to fill the screen. Fixed issue which caused the invite via Guild and Friend (non-bnet) datatext to not properly request an invite. Although Wonder Woman's plan was successfully carried out, the Darkest Knight had anticipated what the heroes would do and had rigged the Mobius Chair to redirect all the energy into himself rather than Wally. [28] The Darkest Knight let Robin King fight the heroes for a while, then left to fight Perpetua, taking Robin King with him. Added new [target] unitframe tags which will display the name of the target of the unit: Added option to hide the nameplate powerbar when empty. Using his Super-Speed powers, he wields the Speed Force and became a costumed crime-fighter. Added a search filter for Mythic Keystone to LibItemSearch. (Simpy). Made sure the Alternative Power is only shown when it's supposed to be shown. Chat History now supports multiple chat windows and will display the chat history in the correct chat window according to chat settings. Style filter settings were getting stuck in last version. Just asking. Added new scale options. Fixed error when you disable a Custom Text. After making himself a new costume, Wally went to find his friends - the original Teen Titans. Quest reward will show percent of level, also the EXP Bar will show Quest XP if enabled. Everything is right where I want it. Fixed `realm:dash` tag error. Added option to control the amount of decimals used for values on elements like NamePlates and UnitFrames. I'd say Thor if it's his current version, Wally may be faster but with the Odin Force Odin was fighting beyond the concept of war itself. Added enhanced target styles for NamePlates. Ant-Man VS Atom; Gogeta VS Vegito; Past Seasons. [33] One of the dark counterparts unleashed by the Darkest Knight was an alternate version of Wally who called himself the Fastest Killer Alive, created from Wally's fear that the Sanctuary disaster had not been an accident. Adjusted the fix for Vehicle Mover on Wrath. Fixed issue which caused raid icons on nameplates to not update properly unless targeted. There is nothing we can do about this, addons are no longer able to modify them under those circumstances. Fixed issue which caused ElvUI to re-enable chat bubbles when the user had disabled them in Interface Options. Back in the present, Barry and Mr Terrific theorised that the Speed Force may be trying to expel something from itself and decided to send a burst of tachyons into the Speed Force to flush it out. Made Earth Totem first (how Blizzard has it) on Wrath. (Brendan Clune). Added a Flash Client Icon in Chat settings. Added font options for the duration and stack text on nameplate auras. Druid multi-crafting CastBar is now fixed. Made sure Voice Icons appear when the Panel is hidden. Barry followed him into the museum and the two were able to talk about their conflict. This character is or was a close ally of Power Girl. :). Fixed an issue with the combat log header. Added an option for Nameplate Buffs/Debuffs to toggle auras from other players to desatured. As the Speed Force had been greatly diminished and was dwindling by the second they just barely managed to stay ahead of the Darkest Knight, believing he wanted to absorb the remaining Anti-Crisis Energy from Wally to become powerful enough to challenge Perpetua. Added Instance Icons on the Saved Instances tooltip. Quest Icons also shows the quest ! The next day, they discussed who could have been behind the assassination, and Wally learned that Dick had a long-lost sister who was the Mayor of Bludhaven. [Nameplate] Reworked the cooldown text, so that it matches Unitframes. In rapid succession he jumped into Max Mercury, Kid Flash, Liberty Belle and even Barry himself in the past. 4,942 1,308. Do we have any additional profiles for Metron/Mobius Chair? Dr Manhattan vs Wally West - Battles - Comic Vine Comic Vine Forums Battles Dr Manhattan vs Wally West #1 Edited By Pfcoolio14 The two start on 30 feet from each other. He later gave it to Metron, but it was taken from him by Batman. Fixed Pet bar issue which sometimes could error about `pushed`. Added right-click functionality for the movers in `/moveui` to get to the options. Sorry this was overlooked. The layout in the installer has been replaced with a new one. Nameplate Boss Mod Auras will now be trimmed when not using Keep Size Ratio. New option called Fade Out, off will hide it instantly. Fixed Nameplate Power Use Atlas Textures option. Mouseover Spellbook buttons not highlighting spells on Actionbar buttons. Apply to All for Aura Indicator on Pet and Focus now works correctly. Adjusted the fix for Blizzard Party frames. Cleaned up the Equipment flyout skin some. This is found in UnitFrames->General Options->RaidDebuff Indicator. Added some ToV debuffs to the RaidDebuffs filter. Updated the method to handle disabling Blizzard UnitFrames (Thanks oUF <3), Unitframes and Nameplates support Evokers: Essences and Empowered Casting (Thanks oUF <3). While there, Wally began gradually improving, though after a while he started convincing himself he was the only hero in Sanctuary, and that Sanctuary was made solely out of pity for Wally by the Justice League. Option (General > Tag Update Rate) which controls the amount of updates for Tags in Unitframes and Nameplates. Fixed display castbar for Arena & Boss Frames. Mail Icon was not positioned correctly on Minimap. There is nothing we can do about that. Fixed issue which prevented Mythic Keystone from being sorted. Fixed a frame level issue with nameplates which caused them to bleed into each other when overlapped. Fixed various issues with tooltips (#472). Vanquished error about tutorialInstance, hopefully. (#1281). Right now you've only got some weak poisoned well arguments and him being "beyond Manhattan" which I don't get considering he doesn't have his level of control or accuracy. Nameplate Class Bar will also sync it's texture to the background. (!115 - Thanks @wing5wong). After the events of the Darkseid War, Owlman took control of it for a short time, taking Grid with him inside of the chair. SexyMap is now on the incompatibility list (it will just alert you to disable our minimap). Added an option for a detailed report for Vendor Grey Items. Nameplates now also have a Thin Border option. Added callback system for ElvUI modules in order to preserve stack trace when an error occurs. Added spacing option for unitframe auras. You can search for keystones or ignore them from sorting with the term "keystone". Not to mention random code errors. Low Complex Multiversal with the entire Speed Force (The Speed Force energy he was generating during his conflict with Barry was wreaking havoc on the multiverse, disrupting the Green, the Microverse, and even Magic), Intelligence: Genius (As smart as his Pre-Flashpoint Era self, retaining his knowledge and experiences. Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West is the fastest man alive, and the third speedster known as the Flash. Updated all the Spell IDs we should need for Shadowlands dungeons and the first raid. Mouseover and Alpha setting for Voice Chat Panel, Frame Level and Strata options for DataBars and ActionBars, Paragon display for Reputation Bar (optional bag icon when loot is available), Heal Prediction and Threat options for Party Pets, Threat options for Tank Target and Party Target frames, Raid Icon option for Pet frame, Turtle Buffs and Player Buffs updated (Thanks Shrom), NamePlate Target Arrow textures (Thanks Releaf) with the option to Scale and Space them, Another Player Resting Icon (Thanks Releaf), along with a few Minimap Mail icon options, New Role Icons displayed when you queue (Thanks Releaf - also, no it doesnt have an option), StyleFilter triggers for UnitRole, InParty, and InRaid, Error in Currency and Difficulty Datatexts, Experience DataBar not displaying correctly after toggling, StyleFilter code updated to hopefully correct several issues, Zone and Boss Button code updated (global fade works on them again), StanceBar options not updating without a reload, Gold format Short (Whole Numbers Spaced) error, Swapped the layout of Available Tags listing for readability, Power Shortvalue will follow the same rules by hiding if 0, Bag Item Info option to change Anima text style, ActionBar Masque settings were not letting you toggle text, Hotkey Range Color when using text range coloring, Text settings for Action Bars: Hotkey, Macro, Count, Stance and Pet buttons were not properly hidden, Enveloping Breathing (Monk) to Aura Watch, Charged Combo Point (Rogue) on UnitFrames and NamePlates, Show Max Currency setting for Currency Datatext, Condensed (Spaced) and Short (Whole Numbers Spaced) format options added to Gold Datatext. Added Totem Tracker (General > Totem Tracker) to Wrath (Ghoul, Totems, etc timers). Fixed error when trying to import a profile from another addon (Vuhdo for example). Masque should play nicely again. What I dont get is why they have to be a special snowflake and need their own client to update the addon, why cant they just add it to Twitch like every other addon? Round 1: Keep it strictly to feats that Wally West (post-Crisis) has done on top of the boosts from Doc Man and the Chair. Instanced Difficulty options for Unitframe Fader (Thanks happenslol). Added an option to ignore the UI Scale popup when resizing the game window (General -> Ignore UI Scale Popup). Attempted to fix Boss Frame (or other Unitframes) name not being updated correctly. Will that help? After these events Wally placed his fate in the Justice League and was incarcerated. Crit and Hit Datatext were fixed for Classic. It should now find items that it previously did not. [Lag Fix] Reworked how we send calls to the UpdateAuraCooldownPosition functions and on NamePlate Auras to save on CPU time. Anchors and Raid Control decided to start using the correct font after about a year or so. You may make modifications to this addon for private use only, you Fixed Style Filter Class Trigger. Added the Nzoth eye texture to the Alternative Power Bar, if its Sanity. Added spacing option to unitframe Aura Bars. Profile and Private confirmation popup was sometimes displaying incorrectly. [9], Due to his heart condition, Wally wrote a letter to Nightwing about his resignation from the Titans but Donna interrupted him and told him that their kiss was a moment of empathy and they should remain friends for now. LibRangeCheck updated to support Evokers. Allowed the MicroBar to be shown in Pet Battles by editing the visibility setting. Fixed issue which incorrectly caused Debuff Highlighting to be active for mages. 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