He is physically imposing and powerful, with a deep knowledge of dark magic. This villain is obsessed with perfection. A villain is defined as an evil or wicked character that enacts evil action and/or harms others. The Knight Templar is quite frequently portrayed as this; given that many of them are meant to mirror real-life figures. Ibsen is the second-most performed dramatist in the world, second only to Shakespeare. The villain is barely clinging to life. The villain finds killing their enemies distasteful and prefers to petrify them to restore them after their goal is accomplished. 13 chapters | Though he hasn't really done anything too bad to Tim Drake or Damian Wayne, he was a major pain to the first two Robins. A villain may want money, so he or she can gain power . Having a very sympathetic backstory or being protective and/or possessed/brainwashed pawns are most common ways a villain can be tragic. Sidekick and off-and-on lover of the Joker, Harley Quinn has been brutally broken and bruised, and not at the hands of the Caped Crusader. Stark's cleanup crew might help the city, but we forget what it does to the99% of the MCU. This villain is 100% convinced that THEY are the good guy, and the players are in the wrong. Harley Quinn has been thrown out of a two-story window by her "Puddin,'" among many other unforgivable actions, and yet, she always comes back. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Way to go, Netflix. She has a bachelor's degree in psychology and has earned her teaching license. Catastrophe, in dramatic terms, is defined as the movement in the final act in which everything is resolved. They are, willingly or not, starting to resemble a Lich. He is physically threatening, with the ability to replicate himself and overpower his opponents. Kilmonger is a reflection of radical racial attitudes in today's cultural climate. Sans The White Witch is the classic dark sorceress archetype, an evil ruler of Narnia who seeks to maintain her grip on the land through fear and intimidation. Oddly, if the minion killed the child along with the parents, that's ok. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Some tragic villains can even be fueled with hatred and pain from their experiences or they can even become completely dominant with fear if their tragedies scarred them for life with no recovery whatsoever. Jason earns the spot because he serves as a reminder of how cruel kids can be, and that moms will always love you even if you're a masked, machete-toting psychopath. Brought to life by his creator's dark sciences, the creature is born and abandoned by the world. Harvey's scarring would play havoc onhisalready fragile sanity, causing him to begin a life of crime. By combing both villainous and tragic elements, Shakespeare forms a tragic villain hybrid in the character of Cassius. commentary on the real world, moving the audience through pity and fear to an Voldemort is the classic dark wizard archetype, seeking to impose his will on the wizarding world through power and fear. King Lear's downfall occurs when he starts going crazy because he gets kicked out of both Goneril and Regan's castle. Modern tragedy is closely-associated with the naturalist movement, which was a nineteenth and early-twentieth-century response to the previous Victorian optimism and idealism. Angron was turned into a raging berserker in his childhood by the implantation of neural augmetics that would cause him extreme pain and rage until he killed something. exhaustive list of the aspects of tragedy but areas that can usefully be explored He grew up on a crapsack planet called Nostramo, which was so bad that. 4.1.1 Aspects of tragedy. Naturalist-inspired plays invoke a far different understanding of catastrophe than in classical tragedy. In his quest to explore the wonders of the mind, he invented an eerie hypnotic device. Helmut Zemo has a much more tragic -- and perhaps even sympathetic -- reason for wanting to destroy the Avengers than you might expect. Essentially, the souls of all three gargoyles reside in the cyborg body of Othello, making Coldstone constantly fighting an internal battle of control. He is a man who has essentially sold his soul for the power of the Dark Side. Tragic Heroes or Tragic Victims. She possesses deep knowledge of politics and war tactics. The villain is a gentleman and always shows decency and consideration. The villain believes they are born of a god, and that their divine parents will recognize them and unveil their currently-hidden divine nature once they have proven their worth. Another characteristic of the literary tragedy is more obvious: a heartbreaking ending. There are some villains where all you see is the anger and evil they give off, but with Demona, you see pain and fury. copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. Agent Smith is the classic artificial intelligence archetype, a program created by the machines to police the Matrix. Though he's very tragic, he's also shown himself to be a monster. Erebus and Kor Phaeron then came to him in his darkest hour and told him of gods who. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 His actions throughout cause destruction and tragedy. The character of Two Face's split nature makes him capable of being either sympathetic or absolutely terrible. 4. Roark Wilson is an aspiring young teacher with a Bachelor of Arts from Sewanee: The University of the South and a Master of Studies in eighteenth-century literature from the University of Oxford. This villain keenly mourns the loss of a dear loved one, and all of their villainous actions are directed toward the goal of memorializing that person. His reckless passion in love, which makes him a compelling character, also leads directly to the tragedy of his death. This archetype is referred to as the "tragic hero." He is motivated by a desire to maintain control and order within the Matrix, at the expense of human freedom. A villain can be abstract. The Emperor denouncing that faith, destroying the greatest city built to his name, and forcing Lorgar and his Legion to bow before the very destroyers of said city while chastising him for his need to devote himself to a higher power practically broke him. We've seen Anakin Skywalker grow and develop through six films and twoClone Wars series, and he's not had the easiest ride. Whether on the page, stage, or screen, Carrie is always swell for a scream. In many circumstances they are the Tragic Monster, perhaps an innocent person transformed into a mindless monster, or simply created to be a monster; either way they have no choice in the evil acts they commit and are as sympathetic as their victims. Adrian Toomes/The Vulture is reimagined as a more sympathetic and somewhat more realistic foe for the wall-crawler to face. Caesar is a tremendously powerful and popular leader in Rome who has been offered a crown multiple times. Does Brutus fit this description, or is the tragic hero someone else-perhaps Caesar? Now that weve looked at some great examples of villains, lets explore how to create one of your own. Rather, they were driven to villainy due to circumstances beyond their control. Type above and press Enter to search. The detailed internal introspection of Julian is characteristic of a modern tragedy, as is the depiction of an overwhelming societal change that eventually subsumes the main character. Anton Chekhov was a Russian playwright, satirist, journalist, and doctor whose realistic approach to characters made his plays stand out, among other qualities. Batman: Why Two-Face Should Be The Next Major Villain In Infinite Frontier (& Why Hugo Strange Should Instead), 5 Batman Villains We Want to See In Live-Action (& 5 We Don't), the story "Two Faces of Evil" pitted Two-Face against then Teen Titans member Cyborg, Harvey's motivation is to prove that he and Cyborg aren't so different, Batman: Robin's 8 Best Costumes in Live Action, Nightwing has outright stated that he doesn't see what Batman sees, 10 Most Unlikely Friendships In Batman Comics, Two-Face's origin story is up there with the likes of Mr. The Crystal Lake creep has beenfreaking out campers since the '80s and he's filled a graveyard or two in his day. Written by Greg Rucka and drawn by Michael Lark, "Half a Life" sees Two-Face out Detective Renee Montoya as a lesbian to the GCPD before framing her for murder. Aristotle says that the tragic hero should have a flaw (hamartia) and/or make some mistake. King Lear's tragic flaw is his blinded judgement and hubris. Often times, sympathetic factors including tragedies can involve a villain being mentally unstable, in love, suffering from immense psychosis on a daily basis or dissociative identity disorders (DID) and being addicts, sympathetic nihilists or suicidal are among examples of being tragic villains as well. This Loki ofThe Lion Kingis the dark and brooding antithesis to Mufasa's regal and royal persona. Though he tried to save both, Two-Face killed the judge anyway. In fact, the word "tragedy" only gained its implication of sorrowful events in the 15th centurybefore that, it solely referred to plays and poems with intentionally unhappy resolutions. Sign up below and we'll immediately send you a coupon code to get any Story Grid title - print, ebook or audiobook - for free. Unlike Iago, who succeeds in his plots until he is caught, Cassius fails in the execution his treachery. /!\ Pure Evil villains CAN NEVER be Tragic. The naturalist movement shunned close relationships with characters and idealized environments. Significantly he also has natural personal qualities: an authority which makes Kent loyal and respectful, and a warmth that inspires love in Cordelia and the fool. To better understand the Villain archetype, lets take a look at some examples from popular culture. happiness, the structural pattern of the text as it moves through complication At the core of all the set texts is a tragic hero or heroine who is flawed in some way, who suffers and causes suffering to others and in all texts there is an interplay between what might be seen as villains and victims. It's easily distracted by the topic and might even spare the life of an accomplished artist. Most of the villain's power is sealed away. Morality Play Characteristics & Examples | What is a Morality Play? He grew to be fueled by envy and pride, and the rest is history. Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth put Grant Morrison on the map for Batman fans, with their nightmarish story complementing Dave McKean's unnerving art. Highly sympathetic ones may be Anti-Villains and prime candidates for redemption, but also everything associated. The character in question might not be the most amiable in the moral sense, but their position, motives, or reasoning could be considerably relatable and sympathetic. A type of Anti-Villain and the ultimate Deconstruction of the Villain, a Tragic Villain is a villain with a tragic backstory that shapes them into who they are. If the villain is defeated, the organization will send another villain. Power and the Tragic Hero. Despite a plethora of omens and auguries pointing toward Caesar's death, Caesar ignores them and ends up victim to the successful murder plot. They never told me about the failure i was meant to be", who she unknowingly turned into the Scarecrow in an attempt to save his life. He even shows remorse for the crimes he commits. about public figures, like Lear, or domestic and about representations of Though his reasoning was noble, his method was far less so, with the character being two-faced long before he was Two-Face. The tragic villain Iago still lives and defiantly says that though he bleeds he is not killed and that 'from this time forth' he 'never will speak word'. Their stronghold, temples, armor, equipment, minions, names resemble this motif. In a backstory that sounds like an unused Lovecraft novel, it is revealed that the Ice King was once a historian who meddled with a cursed crown. But like some others on our list, she falls in love with the wrong sort and ends up getting hurt. He is a master of manipulation, using his intelligence and charm to get what he wants. If someone poured pig blood on our prom dress, we'd be mighty P.O. A particular Deconstruction of the villain, a Tragic Villain is completely aware of their evil but takes little to no pleasure from it; in fact, they could very well resent the evil they are committing. These characters will generally acknowledge their own failure at the end of a tragic play and strive to do better, but it is oftentimes too late. They are obsessed with bringing their people back to prominence and power. They are trying to conduct their evil master plan before they succumb to the disease. Not everyone chooses to be a villain, sometimes it's out of necessity, other times it's to right a wrong done to them, and then sometimes it's a general grey area. The villain is passionate about a particular culinary experience - fine food, a particular favorite drink or vice, and will go far out of their way to indulge in their delights. Tragedy in literature is defined as a genre that focuses around a noble character who struggles against strong external challenges. During the period in DC Comics history titled One Year Later, Harvey Dent's face was fixed and he had become Gotham City's most vigilant protector. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you And you can only push someone so far before they break.Sue Snell giving a testimony of how Carrie White was bullied into madness. The villain wants to reset society because they feel the world feels too explored, too claustrophobic. One of J. MichaelStraczynski's first comic books before his acclaimed run on The Amazing Spider-Man, the story "Two Faces of Evil" pitted Two-Face against then Teen Titans member Cyborg. Her relationship with the joker is notoriously violent, and we ache every time she's left crumpled on the ground. Some may even become Addicts because of their traumatic experiences. To that end they have to get rid of the old to make room for the new. The villain is very mercenary. Strindberg was best-known for his approach to occultism and spirituality in his works, oftentimes reflecting mundane items and people through a much more exotic and ephemeral canvas. Unwilling to let them die, Magnus struck a, Conrad Curze was plagued by dark visions of the future which all were true. He was a radical and dangerous foe for the titular Black Panther, but he's one Marvel villain that's heavily grounded outside the movie screen. succeed. Lunatic: Just plain crazy, this villain may not have any real motivation but the crazy conspiracies he or she "sees." Intelligence is knowing Frankenstein is not the monster, but knowledge is knowing he is. At least one of the texts must be written pre-1900. his fiance Roland got shot in a carjacking. Battles will be magical or proxy based. They seem to be lacking in knowledge of the world they are currently in. Create your account. He assumes the name Scar, as a reminder of his arrogance. Romeo and Juliet has a clear tragic outcome, but it has a very strange approach to the "tragic hero" trope: the "flaw" in both Romeo and Juliet is their youthful naivety, lack of life experience, and Romeo's tendency for drama and acting without thinking. The Master of Magnetism, Magneto is the X-Men's most notorious adversary. Villains who although acting for evil, selfish or unethical goals have understandable and traumatic reasons that serve as a Freudian excuse, mitigating factor and/or redeeming quality for their motives and purposes; hence audiences can sympathize and connect with them on a human level. Outside of his scarred face, Two-Face's coin is his most defining trademark, but it actually has a very disturbing history. The character of the tragic hero should also be able to bring about the catharsis, where the audience feels pity and fear for the hero. Here are some tips for creating a compelling antagonist: The villain archetype is a crucial component of any great story. So many characters on this list have an outright hatred for humanity, but Demona's is pretty understandable. For as long as Dick has known Two-Face, the criminal has gone out of his way to ruin his life, with two horrific incidents springing to mind. was bullied and tormented by everyone he knew, after being strongarmed into rushing the titular game, Asuna just asks him why he didn't just pit the blame on an anonymous Hacker Group within the game who was pretending to be him, enjoy the destruction and death that he causes. 100 Prompts for Idle Chit-Chat Between Characters, 100 Ways To Show Your Villain is Complex/Tragic, 100 Reasons Why The Villain Doesnt Kill The Heroes When They Have The Chance, 100 Reasons Why This Character Became A Monk. Most are not in full control of themselves due to being evil not by choice but instead being victims of forces beyond their control. But his life wasn't always freakish, in fact, it was perfectly pristine. The villain is terrified of betrayal from their underlings. The long history of tragedy plays effectively granted the word its modern meaning. When a series of murders match up with Two Face's M.O, Batman suspects his old friend may have turned heel once more. After his face is fixed by plastic surgeon Marilyn Crane, Harvey Dent begins a romantic relationship with the good doctor, but their bliss is disrupted when Marilyn's psychotic twin Madeline has an affair with Harvey. They are considered an 'evil genius'. prosperity and happiness of the hero to the tragic end, the way that language is used to heighten the tragedy. The question of whether Macbeth is a villain or a tragic hero is a difficult question, and one which depends on how one understands the character. Two-Face then kills Madeline out of revenge, with the character's narration beingrevealed to be a confession from Harvey to Batman. It's essentially a diving suit that is used by demons from the abyss. Loves paintings & sculptures and splits its energy between the study and collection of art to its other villainous pursuits. She is motivated by a desire to keep him writing and continue the story she loves, even if it means harming him. His heart of ice never fails to make ours break. Lamia, Isabella or The Pot of Basil, La Belle Dame In the film, Maleficent has her beautiful wings cut off as she sleeps in a stupor. Her world has been ripped from her and she wants to bite back. The villain appears to be small or weak, however their tactics make them difficult to fight. Tragicomedy Overview & Examples | What is Tragicomedy? Chilling in more ways than one, Ice King's tragedy remains one of the most adult narrativesever seen in a cartoon. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! A villain (also known as a "black hat" or "bad guy"; the feminine form is villainess) is a stock character, whether based on a historical narrative or one of literary fiction. There are times when we laugh at Doofenshmirtz, but then there are times we feel awful for laughing. She's lost nearly everyone she cared about because of the humans she was charged to protect. She is motivated by a desire for power and to protect her family, at the expense of anyone who opposes her. The plays that interrogate social and political issues are often referred to as "problem plays," due to the way in which they attempt to create a discourse surrounding those issues and introduce them to an audience. Cassius is also a tragic figure. Now they are just bored, because nothing is a challenge anymore. He has land and position which give him economic and political power. Many times, these obsessions intersect. We're not saying that the actions committed by the characters in question are justifiable, but they do make for more interesting stories, don't they? Euripedes' Medea follows Medea, a witch-princess from Greek mythology. chaos and affecting the lives of others, the significance of violence and revenge, humour and moments of A particular Deconstruction of the villain, a Tragic Villain is completely aware of their evil but takes little to no pleasure from it; in fact, they could very well resent the evil they are committing. Some examples of his work are, Chekhov: 1860 to 1904. As dark as the Hatter's backstory is, it's still one of the sadder Batman stories the animated series gave us. Many have said that Two-Face is more of a Robin villain than a Batman villain, which mostly stems from how he has tried to ruin the lives of most of them. A painting of Medea mixing poisons, c. 1866. Juliet sends a message to Romeo that she is alive, but her message fails to reach him. He is a skilled strategist, manipulator, and believer in the power of the dark side of the Force. Emperor Julian is eventually deceived into an unwise military expedition and is slain. Later, Cyborg saves Cynthia and Two-Face is forced to accept that there is a massive gulf between him andthe Titan. Mega Man eventually convinces him to let go of his anger. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. She is a master of manipulation, using her intelligence and cunning to gain the upper hand in any situation. Originally, he was named Taka and very jealous of his brother. Outraged at being cast aside for another woman, Medea plots the death of Glauce, her father, and eventually her own children to get back at Jason. Abandoned by his creator and socially shunned for his ugliness, the creature has little love for humanity because he has been left entirely alone. The villain hates a different major villain above all and may ally with heroes against them, or use them as pawns against them. He's mentally unbalanced, but still, we can't help but feel bad for this lovesick musical maniac. Here are 20 villains with the most tragic backstories. Here are a few characteristics commonly found in tragic heroes: They're usually a pretty good person They won't be perfect (that's kind of the whole point), but tragic heroes are typically well-intentioned people with a solid moral compass. He is also intelligent and manipulative, using his powers of persuasion to gain followers and control those around him. Romeo and Juliet fall deeply in love despite a bitter feud between their respective families. The absence of an aspect can be as significant as its presence. The villain is happily married, you're actually facing an evil power-couple. Aristotle has relatively less to say about the tragic hero because the incidents of tragedy are often beyond the hero's control or not closely related to his personality. Scholars suspect this may come from tragedy's theatrical ancestor of satyric drama, in which the actors would dress in goatskins to represent the satyrs. This character will usually suffer greatly and fail as a result of their own flaws. All rights reserved. The villain treats it all as a game. The flight-suit is cool, but there are easier ways to protest. The term "human" can extend to anthropomorphized animals, aliens, etc. They are considered an 'evil genius'. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Evil genius: Highly intelligent, this villain sees him/herself as superior to all others. This villain acts incredibly world-weary, to the point that they take no personal offense from opposition and barely seem upset by setbacks. You took everything from me when you sent Abigail into that machine. He's a lonely soul who couldn't cope with rejection, so he became the wicked man from Wonderland. They want to do anything to help or support this person, even despite this person's protest. He is unabashed in his evil motives, shamelessly proclaiming in his famous "Now is the winter of our discontent" speech: "I am determined to prove a villain". 'The Eve of St. Agnes', We do not expect to change texts within the first five years of the A well-written antagonist can drive the plot forward, challenge the hero, and keep readers engaged. The villain is oddly stingy, reluctant to spend even relatively small amounts of their great resources. Some may even become Addicts because of their traumatic experiences. Now they must save the world from you. Years afterward, Jason has arranged a marriage for himself with the princess Glauce in spite of his marriage to Medea. Through Toomes, we see the repercussions of the damage the Avengers do in their battles. Romeo and Juliet decide to get secretly married, but Romeo's efforts to halt a street fight cause the death of a friend and Romeo's subsequent banishment. Typically, villains are obsessed with a handful of things: 1) power, 2) wealth, 3) sex, 4) revenge. two year course. In addition, the protagonist usually has a tragic flaw, or some weakness that is the reason for his downfall. His brother explore the wonders of the sadder Batman stories the animated series gave us was pristine. Will send another villain convinces him to let go of his anger shows decency and consideration,! Resemble this motif he commits finds killing their enemies distasteful and prefers to petrify them to them. Gain the upper hand in any situation do anything to help or support this person, even despite this,... Is a master of Magnetism, Magneto is the second-most performed dramatist in the act! 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